December |
16 December 2011 |
Trade Policy Developments |
Mexico-Peru Free Trade Agreement:
Mexican Senate approves FTA
Central American Countries (Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua)-Mexico:
Mexican Senate approves Central American Countries-Mexico FTA
Third round of free trade negotiations
Colombia and Israel
will negotiate free trade agreement
09 December 2011 |
Trade Policy Developments |
Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP):
Tenth round of negotiations
Meeting of the study group to define negotiations of an economic partnership agreement
November |
29 November 2011 |
Trade Policy Developments |
U.S.-South Korea:
Korean National Assembly approves U.S.-Korea FTA
22 November 2011 |
Trade Policy Developments |
Central America-European Free Trade Association (EFTA):
EFTA announces FTA negotiations with Central America
Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership Agreement (P4):
DIRECON's Fifth year assessment of the agreement
15 November 2011 |
Trade Policy Developments |
Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP):
Trans-Pacific Leaders Statement
TPP Trade Ministers' Report to Leaders
Outlines of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement
Japan interested in joining TPP negotiations
Mexico interested in joining TPP negotiations
Canada to enter into consultations on possible participation in TPP negotiations
Canada introduces legislation to implement Canada-Panama Free Trade Agreement
Canada introduces legislation to implement Canada-Jordan FTA
Chile and Vietnam
sign free trade agreement
Trade Policy Review of Ecuador
Chile's Foreign Trade Report (DIRECON):
Third quarter 2011
09 November 2011 |
Trade Policy Developments |
Costa Rica-Canada Free Trade Agreement:
1st round of negotiations to expand agreement
01 November 2011 |
Trade Policy Developments |
Fourth round of free trade negotiations begins
Central America-European Union:
European Commission reviews and approves association agreement
Chile-MERCOSUR Free Trade Agreement:
DIRECON's Fifteenth year assessment of the agreement
October |
21 October 2011 |
Trade Policy Developments |
President of the United States signed legislation implementing free trade agreements with
South Korea
Ninth round of negotiations of the Trans-Pacific Association Agreement
Conclusion of technical negotiation for the standardization and convergence of existing free trade agreements between Central American Countries (Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua) and Mexico
Colombia-South Korea:
Fifth round of free trade negotiations
Peru-Venezuela: III round of trade negotiations

Outcome of the 10th Korea-SICA Meeting on Dialogue and Cooperation
18 October 2011 |
Trade Policy Developments |
Canada-European Union:
Ninth round of economic and trade negotiations
14 October 2011 |
Trade Policy Developments |
Guatemala and Peru conclude free trade negotiations
Mexico-European Free Trade Association (EFTA) Free Trade Agreement:
Mexico signs protocols amending bilateral agreements on agriculture with Norway and Switzerland
13 October 2011 |
Trade Policy Developments |
The United States Congress passes free trade agreements with South Korea, Colombia and Panama, as well as Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) reforms, the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP), and the Andean Trade Preferences Act
First round of free trade negotiations
Chile-China Free Trade Agreement:
DIRECON's fifth year assessment of the agreement
06 October 2011 |
Trade Policy Developments |
The United States House of Representatives Committee on Ways and Means approves the Colombia, South Korea and Panama Free Trade Agreements
The President of the United States submitts implementing legislation for the South Korea, Colombia and Panama Free Trade Agreements
September |
28 September 2011 |
Trade Policy Developments |
Mexico-Japan: Signing of the Protocol Amending the Japan-Mexico Economic Partnership Agreement
Text of the Protocol Amending the Japan-Mexico Economic Partnership Agreement
Central American Countries (Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua)-Mexico:
Seventh round of negotiations for the standardization and convergence of their existing trade agreements
Canada and India to hold next round of negotiations for an economic partnership agreement in October 2011
Canada and Kuwait sign a Foreign Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement (FIPA)
United States-Pakistan: Fifth Meeting of the U.S.-Pakistan TIFA Council
15 September 2011 |
Trade Policy Developments |
Third round of free trade negotiations
13 September 2011 |
Trade Policy Developments |
Agreement between Colombia and Japan for the Liberalization, Promotion and Protection of Investment
establish study group to define the negotiations of an economic partnership agreement
Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP):
Eighth round of negotiations
06 September 2011 |
Trade Policy Developments |
Colombia-Northern Triangle Free Trade Agreement:
Latest decisions from the administrative commission
Chile-India Preferential Trade Agreement:
DIRECON's fourth year assessment of the agreement
Chile-Mexico Free Trade Agreement:
DIRECON's twelfth year assessment of the agreement
August |
30 August 2011 |
Trade Policy Developments |
Third round of free trade negotiations
United States and Israel
reaffirm commitment to expand bilateral trade and investment
Canada and Panama
sign memorandum of understanding relating to the interpretation, application and administration of Chapter Four (Customs Procedures) of their free trade agreement
26 August 2011 |
Trade Policy Developments |
Central American Countries (Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua)-Mexico:
Sixth round of negotiations for the standardization and convergence of their existing trade agreements
18 August 2011 |
Trade Policy Developments |
Canada and Costa Rica
launch negotiations to modernize their existing free trade agreement
Canada-European Union:
Eighth round of economic and trade negotiations
11 August 2011 |
Trade Policy Developments |
Protocol Modifying the Colombia-Mexico Free Trade Agreement entered into force
Text of the Protocol Modifying the Colombia-Mexico FTA

Canada-Colombia Free Trade Agreement will come into force on 15 August 2011
Canada and Honduras to sign free trade agreement
01 August 2011 |
Trade Policy Developments |
Costa Rica-China Free Trade Agreement enters into force
Peru-South Korea Free Trade Agreement enters into force
July |
15 July 2011 |
Trade Policy Developments |
United States-Peru Trade Promotion Agreement (TPA):
Second meeting of the Free Trade Commission
Colombia and South Korea
to continue free trade negotiations in August
Second round of free trade negotiations
Guatemala and Trinidad and Tobago begin negotiations of a partial scope agreement

05 July 2011 |
Trade Policy Developments |
Colombia-European Free Trade Association (EFTA) Free Trade Agreement enters into force
Peru-European Free Trade Association (EFTA) Free Trade Agreement enters into force
Chile-India Preferential Trade Agreement:
Third meeting to deepen agreement
Exploratory conversations to strengthen trade relationship
June |
22 June 2011 |
Trade Policy Developments |
Trade Policy Review of Canada
Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement:
Seventh round of negotiations
First round of trade negotiations
Chile and Vietnam
conclude free trade negotiations
15 June 2011 |
Trade Policy Developments |
Costa Rica-China:
President of Costa Rica signs free trade agreement into law
U.S.-Colombia Free Trade Agreement meets milestones under Action Plan
Text of the Panama-Peru Free Trade Agreement
Text of the Agreement between Peru and Japan for an Economic Partnership
03 June 2011 |
Trade Policy Developments |
Second round of free trade negotiations
Chile-Australia Free Trade Agreement:
First meeting of the administrative commission
Costa Rica-China:
Costa Rican Legislative Assembly approves Costa Rica-China FTA
May |
31 May 2011 |
Trade Policy Developments |
Colombia and Turkey agree to initiate negotiations for a trade agreement
Central American Countries (Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua)-Mexico:
Fifth round of negotiations for the standardization and convergence of their existing trade agreements
Peru signs free trade agreements with Costa Rica and Panama
Text of the Costa Rica-Peru Free Trade Agreement
Peru and Japan
sign Economic Partnership Agreement
Panama-Trinidad and Tobago:
Third round of trade negotiations
26 May 2011 |
Trade Policy Developments |
Colombia-EFTA Free Trade Agreement
will enter into force for Colombia, Liechtenstein and Switzerland on 01 July 2011
Mexico-Northern Triangle Free Trade Agreement:
New agreement on textiles enters into force
Second round of free trade negotiations
19 May 2011 |
Trade Policy Developments |
Text of the
Trade Agreement between the European Union and Colombia and Peru
Text of the
Association Agreement between the European Union and Central America
16 May 2011 |
Trade Policy Developments |
Peru and Panama conclude negotiations of a free trade agreement
Peru and Costa Rica conclude negotiations of a free trade agreement
Panama and Colombia discuss trade and free trade negotiations
Panama and South Korea conclude joint study on the feasibility of a free trade agreement Spanish version

13 May 2011 |
Trade Policy Developments |
MERCOSUR-European Union:
5th round of negotiations of an association agreement between both regions
Chile-Colombia Free Trade Agreement:
Fifth meeting of the Free Trade Commission
02 May 2011 |
Trade Policy Developments |
WTO Trade Policy Review of Paraguay
Peru-United States Trade Promotion Agreement: Forest Sector Governance
Meetings of the U.S.-Peru Environmental Affairs Council, Environmental Cooperation Commission and Sub-Committee on
United States and Nepal sign Trade and Investment Framework Agreement
Text of the United States-Nepal Trade and Investment Framework Agreement
Presidential Declaration on the Pacific Alliance Spanish version

Second round of negotiations regarding a partial scope economic complementarity agreement
April |
13 April 2011 |
Trade Policy Developments |
First round of free trade negotiations
Central American Countries-Peru:
Mini round of free trade negotiations
08 April 2011 |
Trade Policy Developments |
Text of the Mexico-Peru Trade Integration Agreement Spanish version
07 April 2011 |
Trade Policy Developments |
Mexico and Peru conclude negotiations and sign Mexico-Peru Trade Integration Agreement
06 April 2011 |
Trade Policy Developments |
Colombia and U.S. agree on the "Action Plan Related to Labor Rights"
Fact Sheet: Benefits of the U.S.-Colombia TPA
Fact Sheet: Leveling the Playing Field: Labor Protections and the U.S.-Colombia TPA
Fact Sheet: Trade & the U.S.-Colombia Partnership
01 April 2011 |
Trade Policy Developments |
Panama and Trinidad and Tobago:
Second round of trade negotiations
Trans-Pacific Association Agreement:
Sixth round of negotiations
2011 USTR National Trade Estimate Report on Foreign Trade Barriers
2011 USTR Report on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures
2011 Report on Technical Barriers to Trade
March |
25 March 2011 |
Trade Policy Developments |
Peru and South Korea
sign free trade agreement
Central America and the European Union
initialed association agreement
Agreement on Trade and Economic Cooperation between Brazil and the United States
English version
Portuguese version

09 March 2011 |
Trade Policy Developments |
Chile-Turkey Free Trade Agreement
enters into force
Chile's Foreign Trade Report:
Fourth quarter 2010
USTR publishes 2011 Trade Policy Agenda and 2010 Annual Report
February |
28 February 2011 |
Trade Policy Developments |
Second round of free trade negotiations
Central America-Chile Free Trade Agreement:
Chile and Nicaragua sign bilateral protocol
Mexico and Japan agree to
broaden Agreement for the Strengthening of the Economic Partnership
25 February 2011 |
Trade Policy Developments |
First meeting of the CAFTA-DR Trade Commission
22 February 2011 |
Trade Policy Developments |
Trans-Pacific Association Agreement (TPP):
Fifth round of negotiations
U.S.-Korea Free Trade Agreement:
U.S. and Korea exchange legal texts reflecting agreement concluded in December 2010
Central America-European Union:
XVI meeting of the Central America-EU Joint Commission
MERCOSUR-European Union:
EU Trade Commissioner discusses trade negotiations in Paraguay and Uruguay
CARICOM-Costa Rica Free Trade Agreement
enters into force for Costa Rica and Belize
08 February 2011 |
Trade Policy Developments |
Peru-South Korea Free Trade Agreement:
Draft texts of the agreement
Chile-European Union Association Agreement:
Eighth year assessment of the agreement
Colombia-South Korea:
Third mini round of free trade negotiations
Central American Countries (Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua)-Mexico:
Fourth round of negotiations for the standardization and convergence of their existing trade agreements
Launching of free trade negotiations
January |
28 January 2011 |
Trade Policy Developments |
Panama and Trinidad and Tobago
conclude first round of trade negotiations
Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership Agreement (P4):
Fourth year assessment of the agreement
Canada-European Union:
Sixth round of economic and trade negotiations
Chile-Dominican Republic:
Final report on the feasibility of a trade agreement
Chile's Foreign Trade Report:
December 2010
20 January 2011 |
Trade Policy Developments |
Central American Countries-Peru:
Second round of free trade negotiations
North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA):
Joint Statement of the 2011 Meeting of the Free Trade Commission
01 January 2011 |
Trade Policy Developments |
Chile-United States Free Trade Agreement:
Seven years after the entry into force of the agreement, tariffs for new Chilean products have been eliminated