Chile-European Union
Text of the agreement
  Background and Negotiations

Chile and the European Union signed a Framework Cooperation Agreement on 21 June 1996, in Florence, Italy, with the objective of establishing a political and economic association. This agreement entered into force on 1 February 1999.

On 24 November 1999 the first meeting of the European Union-Chile Joint Council, established in the Framework Agreement, met in Brussels, Belgium. The Joint Council set out the structure, methodology and calendar for negotiations on a political and economic association agreement between Chile and the European Community and its member states. Negotiations towards a Chile-EU Association Agreement began in 2000.

Ten rounds of negotiations were held, concluding on 26 April 2002. The agreement was signed on 18 November 2002. The agreement includes a political dialogue, a section on cooperation and a section on trade. The fifth round of negotiations took place in Brussels, Belgium on July 15-19, 2019.

Documents relating to the negotiations
18 November 2002 EU-Chile Association Agreement signed PDF
10 June 2002 EU-Chile Association Agreement initialled in BrusselsPDF
26 April 2002 Brussels, Belgium. Conclusion of negotiations PDF
10-12 April 2002 Brussels, Belgium. Tenth meeting EU-Chile negotiations committee
04-08 March 2002 Santiago de Chile. Ninth meeting EU-Chile negotiations committee Word
28 January - 01 February 2002 Brussels, Belgium. Eighth meeting EU-Chile negotiations committee Word
10-14 December 2001 Santiago de Chile. Seventh meeting EU-Chile negotiations committee Word
01-04 October 2001 Brussels, Belgium. Sixth meeting EU-Chile negotiations committee Word
09-12 July 2001 Brussels, Belgium. Fifth meeting EU-Chile negotiations committee Word
12-15 March 2001 Brussels, Belgium. Fourth meeting EU-Chile negotiations committee PDF
13-16 November 2000 Santiago de Chile. Third meeting EU-Chile negotiations committee PDF
20-23 June 2000 Brussels, Belgium. Second meeting EU-Chile negotiations committee PDF
10-12 April 2000 Santiago de Chile. First meeting EU-Chile negotiations committee PDF
24 November 1999 First Meeting of the European Union - Chile Joint CouncilPDF
25 January 1999 Entry into force of Framework Cooperation AgreementPDF
21 June 1996 Framework Cooperation AgreementPDF
Source: Council of the European Union; Dirección General de Relaciones Económicas Internacionales, Chile (DIRECON); European Union


  Entry into Force

To enter into force, the Agreement has to be adopted by the EU Commission and the Council and ratified by the Chilean Congress. In order for the remaining provisions to enter into force, assent must be obtained from the European Parliament and the Agreement must be ratified by the Parliaments of the EU Member States.

The trade provisions of the Chile-EU Association Agreement entered into force on a provisional basis on 01 February 2003. An additional protocol to the Agreement was added in May 2004 to take into account the enlargement of the European Union.

The full agreement entered into force on 1 March 2005.

Documents relating to entry into force

05 March 2005 Revised explanatory notes concerning Annex III — Definition of the concept of originating products and methods of administrative cooperationPDF
01 March 2005 Entry into force of the Agreement PDF
28 February 2005 Council Decision on the conclusion of the Agreement establishing an association between the European Community and its Member States of the one part, and the Republic of Chile, of the other part Spanish PDF
16 December 2004 Additional Protocol to the Agreement Spanish PDF
22 November 2004 On the signing and provisional application of an Additional Protocol to the Agreement establishing an association between the European Community and its Member States, of the one part, and the Republic of Chile, of the other part, to take account of the accession of the Czech Republic, the Republic of Estonia, the Republic of Cyprus, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Hungary, the Republic of Malta, the Republic of Poland, the Republic of Slovenia and the Slovak Republic to the European Union Spanish PDF
31 December 2003 Explanatory notes concerning Annex III - Definition of the concept of originating products and methods of administrative cooperation Spanish PDF
12 February 2003 European Parliament approves Association agreement with ChileWord
31 January 2003 Notification of the completion of procedures necessary for the provisional application of certain articles of the Agreement as of 1 February 2003PDF
18 November 2002 Council Decision on the signature and provisional application of certain provisions of an Agreement establishing and association between the European Community and its Member Staets, on the one part, and the Republic of Chile, of the other part (2002/979/EC)PDF
18 November 2002 Final Act adopting annexes and joint declarations Spanish PDF
03 October 2002 EU Commission adopts EU-Chile Association AgreementPDF
Source: European Union; Official Journal of the European Union



Implementation of the Agreement


In January 2006, the EU council decided to amend Annex I of the Agreement to include some items for which Chile had benefited from GSP preferences but that had not been included in the Agreement.

In November 2010, The VIII meeting of the Association Committee and the Joint Management Committee on Sanitary Matters was held in Santiago, Chile.

Documents relating to the Implementation of the Agreement

10 October 2006

Decision No 2/2006 of the EU-Chile Association Council on the amendment of Annex I to the EU-Chile Association Agreement to take into account the consolidation of the tariff preferences granted to Chile by the Community scheme of generalised tariff preferences (GSP)PDF

24 April 2006 Decision No 1/2006 of the EU-Chile Association Council eliminating customs duties on wines, spirit drinks and aromatised drinks listed in Annex II to the EU-Chile Association Agreement PDF
27 February 2006 Council Decision on a Community position within the EU-Chile Association Council on the amendment of Annex I to the Agreement establishing an association between the European Community and its Member States, of the one part, and the Republic of Chile, of the other part, to take into account the consolidation of the tariff preferences granted to Chile by the Community scheme of generalised tariff preferences (GSP) PDF
27 January 2006 Proposal for a EU Council Decision on a Community position within the EU-Chile Association Council amending Annex I of the EU-Chile Association Agreement to take into account the consolidation of the tariff preferences granted to Chile by the Community scheme PDF
27 March 2003 Decision No 1/2003 of the EU-Association Council concerning the adoption of the rules of procedure of the Association Council, the Association Committee and the Special Committes PDF
Source: Dirección General de Relaciones Económicas Internacionales, Chile (DIRECON); European Union; Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, Chile

Article 3 of the Agreement establishes an Association Council to supervise the implementation of the Agreement. The Association Council is to meet at regular intervals of at least two years.

The first meeting of the EU-Chile Association Council took place in Athens on 27 March 2003. Ministers approved the rules and procedures of the Association Council, the Association Committees and the special committees established by the Agreement.

Documents relating to the European Union-Chile Association Council

07 October 2011 Brussels, Belgium. Fifth European Union-Chile Association Council PDF
14 May 2009 Praga, Czech Republic. Fourth European Union-Chile Association Council PDF
24 July 2007 Brussels, Belgium. Third European Union-Chile Association Council PDF
26 May 2005 Luxembourg. Second European Union Chile Association Council PDF
27 March 2003 Athens, Greece. First European Union-Chile Association Council PDF
Source: Dirección General de Relaciones Económicas Internacionales, Chile (DIRECON); European Union; Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, Chile

Article 6 of the Association Agreement provides for the establishment of an Association Committee . The Association Committee is responsible for the coordination and implementation of the Agreement , meets annually and is composed of representatives of members of the Council of the European Union and Commission of the European Communities, on the one hand, and representatives of the Government Chile , on the other, normally at senior officials.

The Association Committee has the power to take decisions in the cases provided for in the Association Agreement or where such power has been delegated to it by the Association Council. In this event the Association Committee shall take its decisions in accordance with the conditions laid down in Article 5.

Documents relating to the European Union-Chile Association Committee

06 November 2014 Santiago de Chile. Twelfth European-Chile Association Committee in SpanishPDF
03 October 2013 Brussels, Belgium. Eleventh European-Chile Association CommitteePDF
03 October 2012 Santiago de Chile. Tenth European-Chile Association Committee Spanish PDF
24 November 2011 Brussels, Belgium. Ninth European-Chile Association Committee Spanish PDF
25 November 2010 Santiago de Chile. Eighth European-Chile Association Committee Spanish PDF
18 December 2008 Santiago de Chile. Sixth European-Chile Association Committee Spanish PDF
07 December 2007 Brussels, Belgium. Fifth European-Chile Association Committee Spanish PDF
28 November 2006 Santiago de Chile. Fourth European-Chile Association Committee
27 January 2006 Brussels, Belgium. Third European-Chile Association Committee Spanish PDF
Source: Dirección General de Relaciones Económicas Internacionales, Chile (DIRECON); European Union; Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, Chile


  Modernization of the Agreement

In the context of the Sixth Council of the Chile-European Union Association Agreement, held in April 2015, Chile and the European Union discussed options to modernize their current association agreement.

At the beginning of 2016, Chilean delegations held meetings with senior officials of the European Union and the European Free Trade Association to advance towards modernization of the trade agreements that Chile has with both blocks.

Chile and the European Union launched the negotiations to modernize the existing Chile-EU Association Agreement on November 16, 2017 in Brussels, Belgium.

A round of negotiations to modernize the agreement took place from 15 to 19 January 2018 in Santiago, Chile. The European Council published the negotiating directives for the new modernized agreement on 22 January 2018. On February 6, 2018, the European Commission published 18 initial textual proposals setting out its position in specific areas of the negotiation for a new, modernized agreement with Chile.

The seventh round of negotiations of the trade pillar for the modernization of the agreement, which took place virtually, ended on May 29, 2020. The eighth round of negotiations of the trade pillar for the modernization of the Agreement began on September 28, 2020 virtually.

The ninth and penultimate round of negotiations for the modernization of the Chile-European Union Association Agreement began on January 11, 2021. The tenth round of negotiations was held virtually on May 12, 2021. The negotiations for the modernization of the Chile-European Union ended on November 15, 2021.

On December 9, 2022, Chile and the European Union announced that they had reached an agreement in principle for the new Advanced Framework Agreement between Chile and the European Union. Thus, the political closure of the process of modernization of the Association Agreement - signed in November 2002 and which entered into force in 2003, in which the terms of reference were negotiated and agreed upon, and whose negotiations were officially launched in 2017 - is completed.

During the week of January 26, 2023, the legal teams of Chile and the European Union met virtually in order to advance the legal review process of the Advanced Framework Agreement between Chile and the EU.

On April 21, 2023, in Santiago, the legal team of the Undersecretariat for International Economic Relations (SUBREI) and the legal team of the European Union advanced in the last stage of the legal review process of the Advanced Framework Agreement between Chile and the EU.

On July 23, 2024, the Advanced Framework Agreement and Interim Trade Agreement Chile-EU was approved in the Foreign Relations Commission of the Chamber of Deputies of Chile.

On September 2, 2024, the Chamber of Deputies of Chile approved the Advanced Framework Agreement (AMA) - and the Interim Trade Agreement (ACI) - between Chile and the European Union (EU), an initiative signed in December last year and which modernizes the current Association Agreement between both economies in force since 2003.

On November 5, 2024, the Foreign Relations Commission of the Chilean Senate approved the Advanced Framework Agreement (AMA) - and the Interim Trade Agreement (ACI) - between Chile and the European Union (EU).

On Saturday, January 1, 2025, the Interim Trade Agreement (AIC or ITA) came into force, after its approval in the European Parliament on February 29, 2024 and in the Chilean Congress on November 13, 2024, and publications in the respective official newspapers. The AIC, which replaces the existing Part IV (trade) in the current Association Agreement, includes new provisions that will govern trade in goods, services and investment liberalization between both parties and will be in force until it is completed in the European bloc the entire processing and approval of the new Advanced Framework Agreement (AMA) in the 27 EU Member States.

Documents relating to modernization of the FTA

01 February 2025 Entry into force of the Interim Trade Agreement Spanish PDF
05 November 2024 Approval of the Advanced Framework Agreement (AMA) -and the Interim Trade Agreement (ACI)- between Chile and the European Union (EU) in the Senate Foreign Relations Commission Spanish PDF
02 September 2024 Approval of the Advanced Framework Agreement (AMA) Chile - European Union in the Chilean Chamber of Deputies Spanish PDF
23 July 2024       The Advanced Framework Agreement and Interim Trade Agreement Chile-EU is approved in the Foreign Relations Commission of the Chamber of Deputies of Chile Spanish PDF
21 April 2023 Chile and the EU advance in the last stage of the legal review process of the Advanced Framework Agreement Spanish PDF
26 January 2023 Chile and the EU intensify the legal review process of the Advanced Framework Agreement Spanish PDF
09 December 2022 Chile and the European Union announced an agreement in principle for the new Advanced Framework Agreement PDF
15 November 2021 Negotiations for the modernization of the Chile-European Union Association Agreement ended PDF
12 May 2021 Tenth round of negotiations for the modernization of the agreement Spanish PDF
11-22 January 2021 Report on the 9th round of negotiations for the modernization of the agreement PDF
11 January 2021 Ninth round of negotiations of the trade pillar to modernize the Chile-EU Association Agreement Spanish PDF
28 September 2020 Eighth round of negotiations to modernize the Chile-EU FTA Spanish PDF
07 July 2020 SUBREI details progress of negotiations to modernize the Chile-European FTA  Spanish PDF
29 May 2020 Seventh round of negotiations to modernize the agreement PDF
25-29 November 2019 Santiago. Chile. Sixth round of negotiations to modernize the agreement PDF
15-19 July 2019 Brussels, Belgium. 5th round of negotiations to modernize the Chile-EU Association Agreement PDF
01-05 April 2019 Santiago, Chile. Fourth Round of negotiations to modernize the Chile-EU Association Agreement PDF
28 May-01 June 2018 Brussels, Belgium. Third Round of negotiations to modernize the Chile-EU Association Agreement PDF
06 February 2018 Brussels, Belgium. EU publishes 18 textual proposals in specific areas of the negotiations for a modernized agreement with Chile

EU negotiating textual proposals
22 January 2018 EU Directives for the negotiation of a Modernized Association Agreement with Chile
15-19 January 2018 Santiago, Chile. Second Round of negotiations to modernize the Chile-EU Association Agreement PDF
16 November 2017 Brussels, Belgium. Chile and the EU launch negotiations to modernize their existing Association Agreement PDF
15 January 2016 Chile makes progress towards modernization of current free trade agreements with the European Union and EFTA countries Spanish PDF
22 April 2015 Chile and the European Union explore options to modernize their current association agreement Spanish PDF
Source: Subsecretaría de Relaciones Económicas, Internacionales (SUBREI), Chile; Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de Chile, European Commission


  Related Articles and Studies
November 2018 European Parliamentary Research Service. Modernisation of the trade pillar of the EU-Chile Association Agreement PDF
February 2018 DIRECON. Evaluación de las relaciones comerciales entre Chile y la Unión Europea a 15 años de la entrada en vigencia del Acuerdo de Asociación Spanish PDF
April 2014 DIRECON. Evaluación de las relaciones comerciales entre Chile y la Unión Europea a once años de la entrada en vigencia del Acuerdo de Asociación Spanish PDF
June 2013 DIRECON. Evaluación de las relaciones comerciales entre Chile y la Unión Europea a diez años de la entrada en vigencia del Acuerdo de Asociación Spanish PDF
February 2012 DIRECON. Evaluación de las relaciones comerciales entre Chile y la Unión Europea a nueve a ños de vigencia del Acuerdo de Asociación Estratégica Spanish PDF
February 2011 DIRECON. Evaluación de las relaciones comerciales entre Chile y la Unión Europea a ocho a ños de vigencia del Acuerdo de Asociación Estratégica Spanish PDF
February 2010 DIRECON. Evaluación de las relaciones romerciales entre Chile y los Países de la Unión Europea a siete a ños de vigencia del Acuerdo de Asociación Spanish PDF
October 2007 DIRECON. Evaluación de las relaciones comerciales Chile-Unión Europea a cuatro a ños de vigencia del Acuerdo de Asociación Spanish PDF
May 2006 DIRECON. Evaluación comercial Acuerdo Chile-Unión Europea Spanish PDF
December 2004 DIRECON. Evaluación comercial Acuerdo Chile-Unión Europea Spanish PDF
January 2004 DIRECON. Aspectos destacados del primer año de vigencia del Acuerdo de Asociación Chile-Unión Europea Spanish PDF


Spanish version 
Recent Developments
  01 February 2025 . Entry into force of the Interim Trade Agreement new!
