December |
11 December 2012 |
Trade Policy Developments |
European Parliament approves
Trade Agreement between the EU, Colombia and Peru
EU-Central America Association Agreement
Trade Policy Review of Nicaragua
Central America-European Free Trade Association (EFTA):
Fifth round of free trade negotiations
Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP):
Fifteenth round of negotiations
November |
27 November 2012 |
Trade Policy Developments |
First round of negotiations for the Japan-Canada Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA)
Colombia and Japan to hold first round of negotiations for an economic partnership agreement
Canada and European Union move towards conclusion of trade negotiations
U.S. and Colombia conclude first meeting of the U.S.-Colombia Free Trade Commission
Intersessional round of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP) negotiations
Bolivia has been formally invited to join as a full member the MERCOSUR bloc

Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Spain and Uruguay join the Pacific Alliance as observer states, along with Costa Rica and Panama, candidate countries to become full Pacific Alliance members

Mexican Senate approves Pacific Alliance Framework Agreement

07 November 2012 |
Trade Policy Developments |
Australia to pursue free trade area of the Asia-Pacific
Canada-Chile Free Trade Agreement:
Canadian Government tabled agreement in Parliament to modernize and expand existing FTA with Chile
Central America-European Free Trade Association (EFTA):
Fourth round of free trade negotiations
Colombia and Costa Rica conclude
third round of negotiations for a free trade agreement
Canada and Japan will meet on 26 November 2012 for the first full round of trade negotiations
October |
23 October 2012 |
Trade Policy Developments |
United States-Panama Trade Promotion Agreement to enter into force on 31 October 2012
Colombia and Costa Rica:
Third round of negotiations for a free trade agreement
Central America and Korea held talks to lay the groundwork for possible free trade negotiations

September |
28 September 2012 |
Trade Policy Developments |
Canada-Jordan Free Trade Agreement to enter into force on 1 October 2012
Chile-Central America Free Trade Agreement:
Chile-Nicaragua bilateral protocol expected to enter into force on 19 October 2012
Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP):
Fourteenth round of negotiations
Colombia and Japan to negotiate an Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA)
Colombia and Costa Rica:
Second round of negotiations for a free trade agreement
Colombia and Israel conclude third round of free trade negotiations
Colombia-Singapore: Second round of negotiations for a bilateral investment treaty

Canada and China signed Foreign Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement (FIPA)
Chile-Japan Strategic Economic Partnership Agreement:
DIRECON's fifth year assessment of the agreement
Chile-India Preferential Trade Agreement:
DIRECON's fifth year assessment of the agreement
August |
31 August 2012 |
Trade Policy Developments |
Sixth round of free trade negotiations
Canada-Chile Free Trade Agreement:
DIRECON's fifteenth year assessment of the agreement
Chile-Korea Free Trade Agreement:
DIRECON's eighth year assessment of the agreement
Chile's Foreign Trade Report:
January-July 2012
Canada-Jordan Free Trade Agreement:
Canada approves legislation to implement the agreement
International Trade Reports from El Salvador's Ministry of Economy
Belize and El Salvador to negotiate partial scope agreement

Colombia-Singapore: First round of negotiations for a bilateral investment treaty

07 August 2012 |
Trade Policy Developments |
Chile and Hong Kong conclude negotiations for a free trade agreement
Colombia-Singapore: First round of negotiations for an investment agreement

Colombia and Costa Rica:
First round of negotiations for a free trade agreement
Peru-China Free Trade Agreement:
First meeting of the Free Trade Commission
July |
31 July 2012 |
Trade Policy Developments |
Venezuela formally becomes full member of MERCOSUR
10 July 2012 |
Trade Policy Developments |
European Union and Central America sign Association Agreement
Peru-EFTA Free Trade Agreement
enters into force for Peru and Norway
Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP):
Thirteenth round of negotiations
Trade Policy Review of Colombia
United States Trade Representative's Sixth Report to the U.S. Congress on the Operation of the Andean Trade Preference Act as Amended
Panama joins the Central American Economic Integration System

Venezuela to become full member of MERCOSUR on 31 July 2012

June |
27 June 2012 |
Trade Policy Developments |
Colombia, Peru and the European Union sign comprehensive trade agreement
Colombia and Korea conclude free trade negotiations
Third round of negotiations for a free trade agreement
22 June 2012 |
Trade Policy Developments |
Andean Countries-European Union:
Agreement between Peru, Colombia and the European Union will be signed on 26 June 2012
Colombia and Costa Rica signed General Framework for free trade negotiations
19 June 2012 |
Trade Policy Developments |
Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP):
Canada is invited to join the TPP negotiations
18 June 2012 |
Trade Policy Developments |
Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP):
Mexico is invited to join the TPP negotiations
12 June 2012 |
Trade Policy Developments |
Canada-Costa Rica:
Fourth round of negotiations to expand their free trade agreement
Seventh round of free trade negotiations
08 June 2012 |
Trade Policy Developments |
IV Summit of the Pacific Alliance: Declaration

Central America-European Free Trade Association (EFTA):
Second round of free trade negotiations
Colombia and Costa Rica
announce the launch of free trade negotiations
Sixth round of free trade negotiations
Fifth round of free trade negotiations
May |
29 May 2012 |
Trade Policy Developments |
Guatemala-Trinidad and Tobago:
Second round of negotiations for a partial scope agreement
U.S.-Korea Free Trade Agreement:
First meeting of the Joint Committee
16 May 2012 |
Trade Policy Developments |
Colombia-United States Trade Promotion Agreement enters into force
Mexico-Uruguay Free Trade Agreement:
Fourth meeting of the Mexico-Uruguay Free Trade Commission
Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP):
Twelfth round of negotiations
Colombia-China: Establishment of a joint study group to assess feasibility of a free trade agreement

08 May 2012 |
Trade Policy Developments |
Panama-Peru Free Trade Agreement enters into force
USTR 2012 Special Report on Intellectual Property Rights
Panama-United States Free Trade Agreement:
Signing of agreement on environmental cooperation
Text of the Panama-U.S.
Agreement on Environmental Cooperation
April |
26 April 2012 |
Trade Policy Developments |
VI round of free trade negotiations
25 April 2012 |
Trade Policy Developments |
Trade Policy Review of Uruguay
Chile-Malaysia Free Trade Agreement
enters into force
19 April 2012 |
Trade Policy Developments |
Canada-Costa Rica:
Third round of negotiations to expand their free trade agreement
Guatemala-Trinidad and Tobago:
First round of negotiations for a partial scope agreement
Colombia-Venezuela Partial Scope Agreement enters into force
16 April 2012 |
Trade Policy Developments |
Colombia-United States Trade Promotion Agreement to enter into force on 15 May 2012
13 April 2012 |
Trade Policy Developments |
CAFTA-DR (Central America-Dominican Republic-United States) Free Trade Agreement:
Sixth meeting of the CAFTA-DR Environmental Affairs Council
Peru-Thailand Free Trade Agreement:
VIII round of negotiations to review agreement
Chile-Hong Kong:
Second round of free trade negotiations
Chile-Korea Free Trade Agreement:
DIRECON's eighth year assessment of the agreement
Chile-Australia Free Trade Agreement:
DIRECON's third year assessment of the agreement
Chile-Peru Free Trade Agreement:
DIRECON's third year assessment of the agreement
04 April 2012 |
Trade Policy Developments |
2012 USTR National Trade Estimate Report on Foreign Trade Barriers
2012 USTR Report on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures
2012 USTR Report on Technical Barriers to Trade
North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA):
Joint Statement of the 2012 Meeting of the Free Trade Commission
Fifth mini round of free trade negotiations
Chile-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement:
Chilean Parliament ratifies agreement
Central American Countries-Peru:
Peruvian Government ratifies the Costa Rica-Peru Trade Agreement
March |
28 March 2012 |
Trade Policy Developments |
Fourth round of free trade negotiations
Canada and Japan launch free trade negotiations
Canada and MERCOSUR hold exploratory trade talks to strengthen their trade relationship
Canada and Thailand announce exploratory talks towards a free trade agreement format
19 March 2012 |
Trade Policy Developments |
U.S.-Korea Free Trade Agreement enters into force
Andean Countries-European Union:
Council of the European Union clears free trade agreement with Colombia and Peru
U.S.-Colombia Free Trade Agreement:
Colombian Government to submit FTA implementation package to Congress
Colombia and Israel conclude first round of free trade negotiations
Statement issued after the 8th round of negotiations on the future association agreement
13 March 2012 |
Trade Policy Developments |
XXIV Meeting of the Bi-Regional Negotiations Committee
Colombia and Israel agree to initiate negotiations for a trade agreement
Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP):
Costa Rica interested in joining TPP negotiations
08 March 2012 |
Trade Policy Developments |
Trade Policy Review of Trinidad and Tobago
06 March 2012 |
Trade Policy Developments |
Central America-European Free Trade Association (EFTA):
First round of free trade negotiations
Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP):
Eleventh round of negotiations
USTR publishes
2012 Trade Policy Agenda and 2011 Annual Report
01 March 2012 |
Trade Policy Developments |
Agreement between Peru and Japan for an Economic Partnership enters into force
Text of the Guatemala-Peru Free Trade Agreement
February |
22 February 2012 |
Trade Policy Developments |
U.S.-Korea FTA will enter into force on 15 March 2012
First round of trade negotiations to deepen trade relations
Fourth round of free trade negotiations
Fifth round of free trade negotiations
Joint Committee Meeting of the United-States-Israel Free Trade Agreement
Chile-European Union Association Agreement:
DIRECON's ninth year assessment of the agreement
Chile's Foreign Trade Report (DIRECON):
Fourth quarter 2011
13 February 2012 |
Trade Policy Developments |
Canada-Costa Rica:
Second round of negotiations to expand their free trade agreement
Last round of negotiations of a trade agreement
Fifth round of negotiations of a trade partial scope agreement
Canada and China:
Conclusion of negotiations toward a Foreign Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement (FIPA) between Canada and China format
10 February 2012 |
Trade Policy Developments |
Chile-Hong Kong, China:
First round of free trade negotiations
Fourth meeting to deepen their preferential trade agreement
02 February 2012 |
Trade Policy Developments |
Mexico-Peru Free Trade Agreement enters into force
January |
27 January 2012 |
Trade Policy Developments |
CAFTA-DR Free Trade Agreement:
Second meeting of the Free Trade Commission
19 January 2012 |
Trade Policy Developments |
Mexico-Peru Free Trade Agreement:
Government of Mexico issues decree approving Mexico-Peru FTA
Central American Countries (Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua)-Mexico:
Government of Mexico issues decree approving Mexico-Central American Countries Free Trade Agreement
Text of the Mexico and Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua Free Trade Agreement
Chile-United States Free Trade Agreement:
DIRECON's eighth year assessment of the agreement
Text of the Chile-Malaysia Free Trade Agreement
Peru-Thailand Free Trade Agreement enters into force
Texts of the Peru-Thailand Free Trade Agreement