Text of the agreement
  Background and Negotiations

Chile and Peru signed a free trade agreement on 22 August 2006. This agreement replaces the text, annexes and protocols of Economic Complementation Agreement Nº 38 (registered with ALADI as AAP.CE Nº 38), which was signed on 22 June 1998 and entered into force on 01 July 1998.

In 2004 Chile and Peru initiated talks to renegotiate this agreement with a view to deepening their trade relations. On 17 February 2005 the Second Protocol to ACE 38 provided for the shortening of the tariff reduction period originally set out in the agreement.

The agreement, signed on 22 August 2006, was broadened to include new provisions in the area of dispute settlement, investment and trade in services. The parties also signed a memorandum of understanding on labor and migratory cooperation which will enter into force on the same date as the free trade agreement.

Documents related to the negotiations
22 August 2006 Chile and Peru sign free trade agreement Spanish PDF
22 August 2006 Text of free trade agreement Spanish
22 August 2006 Memorandum of understanding on labour and migration cooperation Spanish PDF
05-09 March 2006 Santiago, Chile. IV Round of negotiations to deepen ACE 38 SpanishPDF
30 January - 01 February 2006 Lima, Peru. III round of negotiations to deepen ACE 38 SpanishPDF
08 August 2005 I round of negotiations to deepen ACE 38 SpanishPDF
  Annex to the Second Protocol to ACE Nº 38 Spanish PDF
17 February 2005 Second Protocol to ACE Nº 38 SpanishWord
22 December 1998 First Protocol to ACE Nº 38 SpanishWord
22 June 1998 Economic Complementation Agreement Nº 38 ESP
Source: Dirección General de Relaciones Económicas Internacionales, Chile (DIRECON); Ministerio de Comercio y Turismo de Perú (Mincetur)

  Entry into Force

The Peru-Chile Free Trade Agreement entered into force on 01 March 2009.

Documents related to the negotiations
02 marzo 2009 Chile-Peru FTA enters into force Spanish PDF
21 February 2009 Supreme Decree No 010-2009 - Peru Spanish
Source: Dirección General de Relaciones Económicas Internacionales, Chile (DIRECON); Ministerio de Comercio y Turismo de Perú (Mincetur)

  Implementation of the Agreement

Article 15.1 of Chile-Peru Free Trade Agreement establishes an Administrative Commission to oversee the implementation and operation of the Agreement. The Commission will meet at least once per year in an ordinary session.

Documents related to the implementation of the agreement
11 November 2016 Lima, Peru. Meeting of the FTA Administrative Commission Spanish PDFNew!
11 June 2010 First meeting of the FTA Administrative Commission Spanish PDF
Source: Dirección General de Relaciones Económicas Internacionales, Chile (DIRECON); Ministerio de Comercio y Turismo de Perú (Mincetur)

  Related Articles and Studies
April 2013 DIRECON. Evaluación de las relaciones comerciales entre Chile y Perú a cuatro años de la entrada en vigencia del Acuerdo de Libre Comercio Spanish PDF
March 2012 DIRECON. Evaluación de las relaciones comerciales entre Chile y Perú a tres años de la entrada en vigencia del Acuerdo de Libre Comercio Spanish PDF
Source: Dirección General de Relaciones Económicas Internacionales, Chile (DIRECON)


Spanish version 
Recent Developments
  11 November 2016. Meeting of the FTA Administrative Commission New!
