Colombia - Uruguay
  Background and Negotiations

On 18 October 2004, Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela (Member Countries of the Andean Community) and the Member States of MERCOSUR (Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay) signed an agreement under the Latin American Association of Integration (ALADI) as Economic Complementation Agreement No. 59 (ACE 59). In the context of this agreement, Colombia and Uruguay held their first round of negotiations to deepen trade relations. The main issues negotiated during the session were market access, government procurement and investment.

The second round of trade negotiations is scheduled to take place on 23-27 April 2012, in Montevideo, Uruguay.

Documents relating to the negotiations
17 February 2012 Bogota, Colombia. First round negotiations between Colombia and Uruguay to deepen trade relations PDF New!
Source: Ministerio de Comercio, Industria y Turismo, Colombia

Spanish version 
Recent Developments

17 February 2012. First round of trade negotiations between Colombia and Uruguay New!
