Chapter 18 of the Agreement creates a
Free Trade Commission, comprised of ministers, which objective is to oversee the implementation of the
agreement. On November 3 to 6, 2020, a series of bilateral meetings were held within the framework of the
FTA Administrative Commission to analyze the implementation of the Agreement and the Bilateral Protocols
between Chile and Costa Rica, El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala and Nicaragua.
Decisions of the Free Trade Commission |
21 June 2017 |
Decision No. 39. Establishment of the Rules and Procedures of the Subcommittee on
Free Trade and the Secretariat of the Agreement
30 August 2017 |
Decision No. 38 – Adoption of the Guideline for the application of Article 4.14
(Transshipment and direct dispatch or internal transit) between Guatemala and Chile
29 June 2016 |
Decision No. 37 - Adoption of the Guideline on the application and interpretation
of Article 4.14 (Transshipment and direct dispatch or internal transit) and Article 5.06 (Billing by a third country operator)
18 October 2013 |
Decision 36. Incorporation of Nicaragua to the Rules of Origin Committee
18 October 2013 |
Decision 35. Adaptations to Annex 4.03, Section B
18 October 2013 |
Decision 34. Adoption of Rules and Procedures of the Free Trade Commission by
18 October 2013 |
Decision 33. Incorporation of Nicaragua to the Free Trade
18 October 2013 |
Decision 32. List of Arbitrators in Article 19.09 and
17 October 2013 |
Decision 31. Adjustments to Annex 4.03, Section C
17 October 2013 |
Decision 30. Adjustments to Annex 4.03, Section C
16 October 2013 |
Decision 27. Adjustments to Annex 4.03, Section C
29 August 2012 |
Decision 26. General Procedure to Send and Receive Certificates of Origin
27 September 2011 |
Decision 24. List of Arbitrators Established in
Article 19-09
21 August 2012 |
Decision 23. Adjustments to Annex 4.03
21 August 2012 |
Decision 22. Adjustments to Annex 4.03
27 September 2011 |
Decision 21. Adjustments to Annex 4.03, Section B
27 September 2011 |
Decision 20. Creation of the Rules of Origin Committee
27 September 2011 |
Decision 19. Adoption of Rules and Procedures of the Free Trade
Commission by Guatemala and Honduras
27 September 2011 |
Decision 18. Incorporation of Guatemala and Honduras to the Free
Trade Commission
22 January 2008 |
Decision 17. List of Arbitrators Established in Article 19-09
21 January 2008 |
Decision 16. Amendments to the Preferential Tariff Programs
5 December 2006 |
Decision 15. Amendments to Annex to Article 4.03 Section
B-Specific Rules of Origin
5 December 2006 |
Decision 14. List of Arbitrators Established in
Article 19-09
5 December 2006 |
Decision 13. Amendments to Annex to Article 4.03
4 December 2006 |
Decision 12. Amendments to tariff preferences
4 December 2006 |
Decision 11. Amendments to Annex to Article 4.03
Section C-Specific Rules of Origin
26 November 2004 |
Decision 10. Establishment of a consultative committee
on private trade disputes set out in Article 19-21
26 November 2004 |
Decision 9. Approval of model rules of procedure
established in Article 19.12 (model rules of procedure) and 19.10 (code of conduct)
26 November 2004 |
Decision 8. Approval of the list of arbitrators set out
in Article 19.09 (List of arbitrators) and 19.10 (qualities of the arbitrators)
24 November 2004 |
Decision 7. Approval of the rules and procedures of the Free Trade
04 October 2004 |
Decision 6. Chile grants El Salvador a quota of one thousand five hundred metric
tonnes of sugar (trade classifications 1701.91 and 1701.99) with a tariff of zero in 2005
05 October 2004 |
Decision 5. Chile grants Costa Rica a quota of one thousand five
hundred metric tonnes of sugar (trade classifications 1701.91 and 1701.99) with a tariff of zero in 2005
29 April 2004 |
Decision 4. Chile grants El Salvador a quota of one thousand five
hundred metric tonnes of sugar (trade classifications 1701.91 and 1701.99) with a tariff of zero in 2004
Decision 3. Incorporates El Salvador into the Free Trade Commission,
the Free Trade subcommission and the Secretariat of the Chile-Central America free trade agreement
29 April 2004 |
Decision 2. Chile grants Costa Rica a quota of one thousand five
hundred metric tonnes of sugar (trade classifications 1701.91 and 1701.99) with a tariff of zero in 2004
12 April 2002 |
Decision 1. Constitution of the Free Trade Commission, the Free
Trade subcommission and the Secretariat
Ministerio de Comercio Exterior de Costa Rica (COMEX); Ministerio de Economía, Guatemala; Servicio
Nacional de Aduanas, Chile |