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Codification of the Andean Subregional Integration Agreement
(Cartagena Agreement)


The Protocol of Trujillo was signed by the Andean Presidents during the Eighth Presidential Council that was held in the city of Trujillo, Peru, in March of 1996. It replaces Chapter II of the Cartagena Agreement and requests that the Commission adopt a codified text through a Decision.

It is in compliance with this Presidential Mandate that the Commission of the Andean Community, in its Eighty-seventh Special Term held in the city of Quito, Ecuador, on June 25, 1997, approved Decision 406: "Codification of the Andean Subregional Integration Agreement (Cartagena Agreement)".

This codified text includes the original Cartagena Agreement and its respective modifying instruments: the Additional Instrument for the accession of Venezuela (1973); the Protocol of Lima (1976); the Protocol of Arequipa (1978); the Protocol of Quito (1987), and the Protocol of Trujillo.

The Protocol of Trujillo, moreover, creates the Andean Community and establishes the Andean Integration System, with a series of bodies and institutions which have required that, in this text, the references "Commission of the Cartagena Agreement", "Board of the Cartagena Agreement", "Court of Justice of the Cartagena Agreement", and "Cartagena Agreement Law" be substituted for "Commission of the Andean Community", "General Secretariat of the Andean Community", "Court of Justice of the Andean Community", and "Andean Community Law", respectively.

In addition, the Protocol of Trujillo authorizes the necessary adjustments to the numbering of the articles, for which reason the numbering of the articles of the previous Codified Text (Decision 236) does not necessarily coincide with the present numbering (Decision 406).

This last point is particularly important to those who need to constantly refer to articles of the Agreement. For this reason, the final pages of this document include a Matching table * between the Official Codified Text of the Cartagena Agreement after the Protocol of Quito (Decision 236), and that resulting from the Protocol of Trujillo (Decision 406).

Lima, August 1997

* Not available in this HTML version.

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