Colombia - United States
Text of the agreement
  Background and Negotiations

On 18 November 2003, the USTR notified the U.S. Congress of the Administration's intent to enter into free trade negotiations with Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru, all of whom are beneficiaries of the Andean Trade Preference Act (ATPA). Negotiations were slated to begin in the second quarter of 2004, to begin with Colombia and Peru.

Colombia, later joined by Peru and Ecuador, with Bolivia participating as an observer, began free trade negotiations with the United States on 18 May 2004.   After thirteen rounds of negotiation, on 27 February 2006, Colombia and the United States concluded their free trade agreement. A notice of intent to enter into a free trade agreement was sent to Congress on 24 August 2006. The Colombia-United States Trade Promotion Agreement was signed on 22 November 2006. In Colombia, the agreements was approved by Congress on 14 June 2007.

On 28 June 2007, the United States and Colombia reached an agreement to amend the U.S.-Colombia Trade Promotion Agreement. These amendments were negotiated to reflect the bipartisan agreement on trade reached at the U.S. Congress on 10 May 2007. The Colombian Senate approved the amendments on 30 October 2007. The Colombian President approved the ammendments to the U.S. - Colombia FTA on 22 November 2007.

On April 6th, 2011, Colombia and the United States agreed on the "Action Plan Related to Labor Rights" that will clear the way for the Colombia-U.S. TPA to move forward to the U.S. Congress.

Documents relating to the U.S-Andean Negotiations
15 June 2011 Colombia meets milestones under Action Plan on Labor Rights PDF 
06 April 2011

U.S.-Colombia Trade Agreement and Action Plan PDF


Fact Sheet: Benefits of the U.S.-Colombia TPA PDF


Fact Sheet: Leveling the Playing Field: Labor Protections and the U.S.-Colombia TPA PDF


Fact Sheet: Trade & the U.S.-Colombia Partnership PDF

22 November 2007 Colombian President approves ammendments to the U.S. - Colombia TPA Spanish PDF
30 October 2007 Colombian Senate approves amendments to U.S.-Colombia TPA Spanish PDF
04 July 2007 Colombian President approves U.S.-Colombia TPA Spanish PDF
28 June 2007 Amendments to U.S.-Colombia TPA PDF
14 June 2007 Colombia's Congress approves free trade agreement Spanish PDF
22 November 2006 United States and Colombia sign Trade Promotion Agreement PDF
24 August 2006 Notice of intent to enter into FTA with ColombiaPDF
27 February 2006 United States and Colombia conclude free trade agreementPDF
03 May 2004 Peru and Ecuador to join in May 18-19 launch of FTA negotiationsPDF
23 March 2004 U.S. and Colombia to begin negotiations May 18PDF
18 November 2003 Letter to Senate regarding intent to initiate free trade talks with Andean countriesPDF
18 November 2003 Letter to House of Representatives regarding intent to initiate free trade talks with Andean countriesPDF
18 November 2003 USTR notifies Congress of intent to initiate free trade talks with Andean countriesPDF
  Documents relating to the Andean Trade Preference Act
Source: Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR); Official White House website; Sitio del Tratado de Libre Comercio Andino – EE.UU. del Portal del Estado Colombiano

There were thirteen rounds of Andean-U.S. negotiations, initiating in May 2004 and ending in November 2005.
Documents relating to the U.S.-Andean Negotiating Rounds
  Additional information on rounds XI-XIV from Colombia, Ecuador and Peru Spanish
14-22 November 2005 Washington, D.C.:  XIII round of negotiations SpanishWord
17 - 21 October 2005 Washington, D.C.: negotiating meeting SpanishWord
19-23 September 2005 Cartagena, Colombia: XII round of negotiations SpanishWord
18 - 22 July 2005 Miami, USA: XI round of negotiations SpanishWord
  Additional information on rounds VI-X from Colombia, Ecuador and Peru Spanish
06-10 June 2005 Guayaquil, Ecuador: X round of negotiations Word
18-22 April 2005 Lima, Peru: IX round of negotiations SpanishWord
14 - 18 March 2005 Washington, D.C.: VIII round of negotiations SpanishWord
07 - 11 February 2005 Cartagena, Colombia: VII round of negotiations SpanishWord
29 November - 05 December 2004 Tucson, USA: VI round of negotiationsSpanish Word
  Additional information on rounds I-V from Colombia, Ecuador and Peru Spanish
25-29 October 2004 Guayaquil, Ecuador: V round of negotiations SpanishWord
13-17 September 2004 San Juan, Puerto Rico: IV round of negotiationsSpanishWord
26-30 July 2004 Lima, Peru: III round of negotiationsSpanishWord
14-18 June 2004 Atlanta, USA: II round of negotiations SpanishWord
18-20 May 2004 Cartagena, Colombia: I round of negotiations SpanishWord
Source: Ministro de Comercio Industria y Turismo de Colombia; Secretaría General de la Comunidad Andina; Sitio del Tratado de Libre Comercio Andino – EE.UU. del Portal del Estado Colombiano

Colombia has made its tariff requests and offers available to the public:

Colombia -- offers

16 February 2006 Colombia - Nonconforming measures in services and investment Annex I Spanish Word  Annex II Spanish Word
September 2005 Colombia - final offer for tariff reduction on industrial goodsSpanishExcel
01 September 2005 Colombia - list of nonconforming measures in financial servicesSpanishPDF
23 July 2005 Colombia - offer on  government procurementSpanishPDF
Round IX Improvement of offers (industrial goods) SpanishPDF
Round VII Improvement of offers (industrial goods and agriculture)SpanishPDF
Round VI Improvement of offers (industrial goods) SpanishPDF
Round V Improvement of offers (industrial goods and agriculture)SpanishPDF
Round III  Requests and offers SpanishPDF
Source: Sitio del Tratado de Libre Comercio Andino – EE.UU. del Portal del Estado Colombiano

  Draft Texts
June 2007 Final texts of the U.S.-Colombia TPA
8 May 2006 Draft texts of the U.S.-Colombia TPA
Source: Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR)

  Entry into Force

On 12 October 2011, The United States Congress approved the Colombia-U.S. Free Trade Agreement. On 21 October 2011, the President of the United States signed legislation implementing the agreement. On 10 April 2012, the Colombian Congress approved the implementing legislation of the U.S.-Colombia TPA. On 15 May 2012, the U.S.-Colombia Trade Promotion Agreement entered into force.

15 May 2012 U.S.-Colombia Trade Promotion Agreement enters into force PDF
15 April 2012

U.S.-Colombia Trade Promotion Agreement to enter into force on 15 May 2012PDF  

11 April 2012

Colombian Congress approves bill implementing the Colombia-U.S. TPA Spanish PDF  

15 March 2012 Colombian Government to submit FTA implementation package to Congress PDF
21 October 2011 U.S. President signed implementing legislation for the South Korea, Colombia and Panama Agreements PDF  
12 October 2011 The United States Congress approved the Colombia, South Korea and Panama Free Trade Agreements
05 October 2011 The United States House of Representatives Committee on Ways and Means approved the Colombia, South Korea and Panama Free Trade Agreements  
03 October 2011 The President  of the United States submitted implementing legislation for the South Korea, Colombia and Panama Agreements 
Source: Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR),Official White House website
  Implementation of the Agreement
Documents relating to the Free Trade Commission
15 January 2025 Decision No 9 of the Free Trade Commission: Interpretative note on the investment chapter of the Trade Agreement PDF  New!
02 August 2018 Washington, D.C., USA. Second meeting of the Colombia-U.S. Free Trade Commission PDF 
19 November 2012 Washington, D.C., USA. U.S. and Colombia Conclude First Meeting of the U.S.-Colombia Free Trade Commission PDF 
Source: Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR)

Documents relating to the Labor Affairs Council
05 June 2013 Washington, D.C. U.S. and Colombia Conclude First Meeting of the U.S.-Colombia Labor Affairs Council PDF 
Source: Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR)
  Related Articles and Studies
04 May 2022 Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR). The U.S.-Colombia Free Trade Agrement: Background and IssuesPDF
March 2006 Ministerio de Comercio, Colombia. Resumen del Texto del Tratado de Libre Comercio Colombia-Estados Unidos SpanishPDF
February 2006 Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR). Free Trade with Colombia: Summary of the AgreementPDF
February 2005 Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR).  Interim Environmental Review. U.S.-Andean Free Trade AgreementPDF
October 2004 Secretaría General de la Comunidad Andina.   Análisis de la sensibilidad del comercio subregional andino en el marco del tratado de libre comercio con los Estados UnidosPDF
August 2004 Secretaría General de la Comunidad Andina. Intercambio comercial entre la Comunidad Andina y Estados UnidosSpanishPDF
August 2004 Secretaría General de la Comunidad Andina. Análisis de las diferentes disciplinas comerciales que se negocian en el TLC con Estados Unidos y su posible impacto en la normativa andinaSpanishPDF
June 2004 Secretaría General de la Comunidad Andina. Intercambio Comercial entre la Comunidad Andina y Estados UnidosSpanishPDF
July 2003 Dirección de Estudios Económicos y la Dirección de Desarrollo Empresarial del Departamento Nacional de Planeación de Colombia. Efectos del TLC Spanish PDF
Source: Congressional Research Service


Spanish version 
Recent Developments
  15 January 2025. Decision No 9 of the Free Trade Commission: Interpretative note on the investment chapter of the Trade Agreement New!


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