On 19 November 2004, during the APEC leaders' meeting in
Santiago, Chile, the governments of Peru and Singapore announced that they would commence negotiations towards
a free trade agreement in the first trimester of 2005. On 22 November 2004 the two governments issued a declaration
to this effect.
The fist round of negotiations took place in
Singapore from 14-17 February 2006. The second round
was held in Lima, Peru in June and the third meeting
was held in Singapore in September 2006. The two
countries concluded their fourth round of
negotiations in the area of services from 27-29 June
2007. Peru and Singapore concluded their bilateral
negotiations on 29 August 2007. On 29 May 2008, Peru
and Singapore signed a free trade agreement.
Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between Peru and
Singapore came into force on August 1st,