Article 1721: Definitions
1. For purposes of this Chapter:
confidential information includes trade secrets, privileged
information and other materials exempted from disclosure under
the Party's domestic law.
2. For purposes of this Agreement:
encrypted program-carrying satellite signal means a program-carrying
satellite signal that is transmitted in a form whereby the aural
or visual characteristics, or both, are modified or altered for
the purpose of preventing the unauthorized reception, by persons
without the authorized equipment that is designed to eliminate
the effects of such modification or alteration, of a program carried
in that signal;
geographical indication means any indication that identifies
a good as originating in the territory of a Party, or a region
or locality in that territory, where a particular quality, reputation
or other characteristic of the good is essentially attributable
to its geographical origin;
in a manner contrary to honest commercial practices means
at least practices such as breach of contract, breach of confidence
and inducement to breach, and includes the acquisition of undisclosed
information by other persons who knew, or were grossly negligent
in failing to know, that such practices were involved in the acquisition;
intellectual property rights refers to copyright and related
rights, trademark rights, patent rights, rights in layout designs
of semiconductor integrated circuits, trade secret rights, plant
breeders' rights, rights in geographical indications and industrial
design rights;
nationals of another Party means, in respect of the relevant
intellectual property right, persons who would meet the criteria
for eligibility for protection provided for in the Paris Convention
(1967), the Berne Convention (1971), the Geneva Convention (1971),
the International Convention for the Protection of Performers,
Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organizations (1961),
the UPOV Convention (1978), the UPOV Convention (1991) or the
Treaty on Intellectual Property in Respect of Integrated Circuits,
as if each Party were a party to those Conventions, and with respect
to intellectual property rights that are not the subject of these
Conventions, "nationals of another Party" shall be understood
to be at least individuals who are citizens or permanent residents
of that Party and also includes any other natural person referred
to in Annex 201.1 (CountrySpecific Definitions);
public includes, with respect to rights of communication
and performance of works provided for under Articles 11, 11bis(1)
and 14(1)(ii) of the Berne Convention, with respect to dramatic,
dramatico-musical, musical and cinematographic works, at least,
any aggregation of individuals intended to be the object of, and
capable of perceiving, communications or performances of works,
regardless of whether they can do so at the same or different
times or in the same or different places, provided that such an
aggregation is larger than a family and its immediate circle of
acquaintances or is not a group comprising a limited number of
individuals having similarly close ties that has not been formed
for the principal purpose of receiving such performances and communications
of works; and
secondary uses of sound recordings means the use directly
for broadcasting or for any other public communication of a sound
Annex 1701.3: Intellectual Property Conventions
1. Mexico shall:
(a) make every effort to comply with the substantive provisions
of the 1978 or 1991 UPOV Convention as soon as possible and shall
do so no later than two years after the date of signature of this
Agreement; and
(b) accept from the date of entry into force of this Agreement
applications from plant breeders for varieties in all plant genera
and species and grant protection, in accordance with such substantive
provisions, promptly after complying with subparagraph (a).
2. Notwithstanding Article 1701(2)(b), this Agreement confers
no rights and imposes no obligations on the United States with
respect to Article 6bis of the Berne Convention, or the rights
derived from that Article.
Annex 1705.7: Copyright
The United States shall provide protection to motion pictures
produced in another Party's territory that have been declared
to be in the public domain pursuant to 17 U.S.C. section 405.
This obligation shall apply to the extent that it is consistent
with the Constitution of the United States, and is subject to
budgetary considerations.
Annex 1710.9: Layout Designs
Mexico shall make every effort to implement the requirements of
Article 1710 as soon as possible, and shall do so no later than
four years after the date of entry into force of this Agreement.
Annex 1718.14: Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights
Mexico shall make every effort to comply with the requirements
of Article 1718 as soon as possible and shall do so no later than
three years after the date of signature of this Agreement.
Continue on to Chapter 18: Publication, Notification and Administration of Laws