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Treaty Establishing the Caribbean Community and Common Market - CARICOM


The Governments of the contracting States,

Determined to consolidate and strengthen the bonds which have historically existed among their peoples;

Sharing a common determination to fulfil the hopes and aspirations of their peoples for full employment and improved standards of work and living;

Conscious that these objectives can most rapidly be attained by the optimum utilisation of available human and natural resources of the Region; by accelerated, coordinated and sustained economic development, particularly through the exercise of permanent sovereignty over their natural resources; by the efficient operation of common services and functional cooperation in the social, cultural, educational and technological fields; and by a common front in relation to the external world;

Convinced of the need to elaborate an effective regime by establishing and utilising institutions designed to enhance the economic, social and cultural development of their peoples;

Have Agreed as Follows:

Continue on to Chapter I