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Decree No. 11/000 
Regulates Law No. 17.164, regarding Invention Patents, 
Utility Models and Industrial Designs 


CHAPTER I - Requirements and Steps to be taken for the Grant of Invention Patents

CHAPTER II - Rights Granted by the Patent, Exceptions, Limitations and Forfeiture thereof

Section I - Transfer of and Changes to the Title to the Registration

Section II - Patent Cancellation

CHAPTER III - Licenses and other Uses without the Authorization of the Patentee

Section I - Conventional Licenses

Section II - License Offer

Section III - Compulsory licenses and other uses without the authorization of the patentee

Paragraph I - Licenses and other uses by reason of failure to work

Paragraph II - Compulsory licenses and other uses without the authorization of the patentee on the grounds of public utility

Paragraph III - Compulsory licenses and other uses without the authorization of the patentee on the grounds of unfair competition

Paragraph IV - Other compulsory licenses and other uses without the authorization of the patentee

Paragraph V - Dependent Patents

Paragraph VI - General provisions and proceedings

CHAPTER III [sic.] - Requirements and Proceedings for the Grant of Utility Model Patents

CHAPTER IV - Requirements and Proceedings for the Grant of Industrial Design Patents

CHAPTER V - Tax Regulations and Fees

CHAPTER VI - General provisions

CHAPTER VII - Provisional Clauses