The Parties to the Treaty Establishing the Caribbean Community and Common
Market signed at Chaguaramas on 4 July 1973 (hereinafter referred to as "the
original Treaty"),
DESIROUS that the objectives, organs and powers of the Caribbean
Community and Common Market be redefined;
DESIROUS ALSO that the Annex to the original Treaty be revised to
transform the Common Market into the CARICOM Single Market and Economy as
an integral component of the Community;
DESIROUS FURTHER that the rights and obligations assumed by the
Parties to the original Treaty shall continue to subsist after the
termination of the original Treaty;
HAVE AGREED as follows:
Article I
Succession of Caribbean Community and Common
Market by the Caribbean Community including the
CARICOM Single Market and Economy (CSME)
The Caribbean Community and
Common Market shall be succeeded by the Caribbean Community including the
CARICOM Single Market and Economy, which shall assume the rights and
obligations of the Caribbean Community and Common Market.
Article II
Signature of Revised Treaty
1. Each Member State
undertakes to sign the original Treaty as revised by Protocols I to IX and
integrated into a single instrument (hereinafter called "the Treaty").
2. The Treaty shall be open for signature as of the 5th day of July 2001.
Article III
Disposition of Assets and Legal Proceedings
States Parties undertake to
enact legislation to ensure that:
(a) land and property of every
kind whatsoever including choses in action vested immediately before the
entry into force of this Protocol in the Caribbean Community and the
Common Market are transferred to and vested in the Caribbean Community
including the CARICOM Single Market and Economy;
(b) all rights, privileges and advantages and all liabilities and
obligations which, immediately before the entry into force of this
Protocol, the Caribbean Community and the Common Market were entitled or
subject to are conferred on or assumed by the Caribbean Community
including the CARICOM Single Market and Economy for the purposes of this
(c) legal proceedings pending immediately before the entry into force of
this Protocol by or against the Caribbean Community and the Common Market,
in relation to matters mentioned in paragraph (a), may be continued on or
after the appointed day by or against the Caribbean Community including
the CARICOM Single Market and Economy as the party to the proceedings
instead of the Caribbean Community and the Common Market;
(d) the Caribbean Community and Common Market are dissolved.
Article IV
Entry Into Force of Protocol
This Protocol shall enter into
force when the Treaty comes into force.
Article V
Termination of the Original Treaty
The original Treaty shall
cease to have effect as regards the Parties to this Protocol when the
Treaty comes into force.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned Heads of Government have
appended their signatures to this Protocol.
DONE at ................................................. this
............................... day of..................................
2002 in a single copy which shall be deposited with the Secretary-General
of the Community by whom certified copies will be communicated to all the
Signed by
for the Government of Antigua and Barbuda on the day of 2002
Signed by
for the Government of Barbados on the day of 2002
Signed by
for the Government of Belize on the day of 2002
Signed by
for the Government of the Commonwealth of Dominica on the day of 2002
Signed by
for the Government of Grenada on the day of 2002
Signed by
for the Government of the Co-operative Republic of Guyana on the day of
Signed by
for the Government of Jamaica on the day of 2002
Signed by
for the Government of Montserrat on the day of 2002
Signed by
for the Government of St. Kitts and Nevis on the day of 2002
Signed by
for the Government of Saint Lucia on the day of 2002
Signed by
for the Government of St. Vincent and the Grenadines on the day of 2002
Signed by
for the Government of The Republic of Suriname on the day of 2002
Signed by
for the Government of The Republic of Trinidad and Tobago on the day of