Argentina - Chile
Text of the Agreement
  Background and Negotiations

Argentina and Chile agreed to negotiate a new trade agreement to expand and deepen their economic and trade relations. The agreement will include, among others, the following disciplines: government procurement, trade facilitation, regulatory coherence, competition policy, services, investment, e-commerce and cooperation.

The first round of negotiations took place on March 8-9, 2017 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The second round of negotiations took place in Santiago de Chile on May 8-10, 2017. The third round of free trade negotiations was held between on June 21-23, 2017. The negotiations continued in Santiago, Chile where the fourth round of negotiations took place on August 16-18, 2017.  At the conclusion of this round, both countries had an agreement on nine chapters of the future agreement.

Following the 5th Round of negotiations, held in Buenos Aires on 25-26 September, Argentina and Chile concluded the negotiation of a bilateral trade agreement. The agreement was signed don November 2, 2017 in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Documents relating to the negotiations
02 November 2017 Buenos Aires, Argentina. Argentina and Chile sign trade agreement PDF Document
27 September 2017 Buenos Aires, Argentina. Argentina and Chile conclude negotiation of a bilateral trade agreement PDF Document
16-18 August 2017 Santiago, Chile. Fourth round of negotiations PDF Document
23 June 2017 Buenos Aires, Argentina. Argentina and Chile conclude third round of trade negotiations PDF Document
10 May 2017 Santiago, Chile. Argentina and Chile finish second round of negotiations to expand and deepen their trade agreement PDF Document
08-09 March 2017 Buenos Aires, Argentina. First round of negotiations to expand and deepen trade agreement PDF Document
16 December 2016 Buenos Aires, Argentina. Declaración VIII Reunión Binacional de Ministros de Argentina y Chile PDF Document
Sources: Dirección General de Relaciones Económicas Internacionales, Chile (DIRECON);
             Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y Culto, Argentina


  Entry into Force

On November 8, 2018, Chile’s Chamber of Deputies approved the 61st Additional Protocol to Economic Complementation Agreement No 35 that contains the Trade Agreement between Argentina and Chile.

Documents relating to the Entry into Force
08 November 2018 Santiago, Chile. Chile’s Chamber of Deputies approves trade agreement PDF Document



The I Meeting of the Bilateral Administrative Commission of the agreement was held on August 20, 2020. During the virtual meeting, countries approved work plans for the disciplines covered by the agreement. Also, a work program that will develop the issue of "Gender and Trade" over the next two years was approved. There was also consensus to incorporate into the agreement a chapter on productive chains, which will facilitate the generation of regional value chains with a view to generating quality jobs and attracting investment.

Documents related to the Bilateral Administrative Commission
20 August 2020 First Meeting of the Bilateral Administrative Commission PDF Document New!
Source: Subsecretaría de Relaciones Económicas Internacionales, Chile



Spanish version 
Recent Developments
  20 August 2020. First Meeting of the Bilateral Administrative Commission New!


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