Background and Negotiations

In January 2004 MERCOSUR received a proposal from Egypt to negotiate a free trade agreement, on the basis of discussions held at the G-20 meeting in November 2003. At the XXVI ordinary meeting of the MERCOSUR Common Market Council meeting a framework agreement was signed between MERCOSUR (composed of Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay) and the Arab Republic of Egypt. This was incorporated by MERCOSUR as Common Market Council Decision 16/04. This agreement anticipates the negotiation of a free trade agreement with an initial stage constituted by the negotiation of a fixed preference agreement.

The second round of negotiations was held in Montevideo, Uruguay in November 2009. The third round of negotiations took place in Cairo, Egypt on 09-11 March 2010.

On 02 August 2010, during the 39th Summit of Heads of State of MERCOSUR and Associated States, MERCOSUR signs free trade agreement with Egypt.

Documents relating to the negotiations
02 August  2010 San Juan, Argentina. MERCOSUR signs free trade agreement with Egypt PDF
09-11 March 2010 Cairo, Egypt: Third round of negotiations PDF 
16-17 November 2009

Montevideo,Uruguay: Second round of negotiations PDF | Annex 3: Agreed modalities for negotiation PDF

07 July 2004 MERCOSUR/CMC/Dec. Nº 16/04: Signature of Framework agreement between MERCOSUR and the Arab Republic of Egypt Spanish Portuguese
07 July 2004

Puerto Iguazú, Argentina. Framework Agreement between the MERCOSUR and the Arab Republic of Egypt Word

Sources: Ministério das Relações Exteriores, Brasil. Ministerio de Industria y Turismo, Argentina

  Entry into Force

The MERCOSUR-Egypt Free Trade Agreement entered into force on September 1, 2017 after all the parties completed their internal procedures to ratify the agreement.

Documents relating to the Entry into Force
01 September 2017 MERCOSUR-Egypt FTA enters into force PDF
Sources: Ministerio de Economía y Finanzas, Uruguay

  Implementation of the agreement

Article 25 of Chapter IV, Institutional Provisions, establishes a Joint Committee in charge of the administration and implementation of the agreement.

Documents related to the Joint MERCOSUR-Egypt Committee
13 December 2017 Buenos Aires, Argentina. I Meeting of the Joint MERCOSUR-Egypt Committee PDF New
Sources: Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, Paraguay

Recent Developments
   13 December 2017. 1st Meeting of the Joint MERCOSUR-Egypt Committee New
