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Proposed United States - Colombia TPA Texts

This text reflects the agreement reached between the United States and Colombia on February 27, 2006.
All texts are subject to legal review for accuracy, clarity and consistency, as well as to ensure consistency between the English and Spanish versions.

Table of Contents


Text [PDF format, 13 KB]

1. Initial Provisions and General Definitions

Text [PDF format, 28 KB]

2. National Treatment and Market Access for Goods

Text [PDF format, 83 KB]

Annex 2.3 [PDF format, 14 KB]

United States General Notes [PDF format, 17 KB]

Colombia General Notes [PDF format, 21 KB]

US Tariff Schedule (Industrial and Textiles) [PDF format, 512 KB]

Colombia Tariff Schedule (Industrial and Textiles) [PDF format, 780 KB]

ITA Side Letter [PDF format, 18 KB]

Side Letter Regarding Coffee [PDF format, 16 KB]

3. Textiles and Apparel

Text [PDF format, 153 KB]

4. Rules of Origin and Origin Procedures

Text [PDF format, 91 KB]

Annex - Product Specific Rules [PDF format, 161 KB]

5. Customs Administration and Trade Facilitation

Text [PDF format, 38 KB]

6. Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures

Text [PDF format, 22 KB]

February SPS Letter Exchange [PDF format, 147 KB]

May SPS Letter Exchange [PDF format, 23 KB]

7. Technical Barriers to Trade

Text [PDF format, 47 KB]

8. Trade Remedies

Text [PDF format, 32 KB]

9. Government Procurement

Text [PDF format, 82 KB]

Annex 9.1 [PDF format, 113 KB]

Understading on 30-Day Tendering [PDF format, 12 KB]

Side Letter Regarding Interim Measures [PDF format, 13 KB]

10. Investment

Text [PDF format, 197 KB]

11. Cross-Border Trade in Services

Text [PDF format, 79 KB]

Side Letter on State Measures [PDF format, 16 KB]

12. Financial Services

Text [PDF format, 143KB]

Understandings Regarding Financial Services and Services [PDF format, 13 KB]

13. Competition Policy

Text [PDF format, 94 KB]

14. Telecommunications

Text [PDF format, 81 KB]

15. Electronic Commerce

Text [PDF format, 25 KB]

16. Intellectual Property Rights

Text [PDF format, 149 KB]

ISP Side Letter [PDF format, 46 KB]

Retransmission Side Letter [PDF format, 16 KB]

Public Health Understanding [PDF format, 12 KB]

Letter Regarding Certain Regulated Products [PDF format, 11 KB]

Side Letter Concerning Patents and Certain Regulated Products [PDF format, 17 KB]

17. Labor

Text [PDF format, 45 KB]

18. Environment

Text [PDF format, 61 KB]

19. Transparency

Text [PDF format, 23 KB]

20. Administration of the Agreement and Trade Capacity Building

Text [PDF format, 25 KB]


21. Dispute Settlement

Text [PDF format, 117 KB]

22. Exceptions

Text [PDF format, 25 KB]

23. Final Provisions

Text [PDF format, 15 KB]

Annex I: Non-Conforming Measures for Services and Investment

Formatting Note  [PDF format, 18 KB]

U.S. Annex I  [PDF format, 40 KB]

Colombia Annex I  [PDF format, 124 KB]


Annex II: Non-Conforming Measures for Services and Investment

Formatting Note [PDF format, 12KB]

U.S. Annex II [PDF format, 31 KB]

Colombia Annex II [PDF format, 103 KB]

Annex III: Non-Conforming Measures for Financial Services

US Annex III (with Formatting Note) [PDF format, 120KB]

Colombia Annex III (with Formatting Note) [PDF format, 63 KB]

Biodiversity-TK Understanding

Text [PDF format, 13 KB]


Source: Office of the United States Trade Representative
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