Spanish version
  Background and Negotiations

On 29 December 1999 Mexico and Uruguay signed an Economic Complementation Agreement, which was deposited with the ALADI as ACE No 5. This agreement entered into force on 1 March 2001.

On 5 July 2002, Mexico and the member states of MERCOSUR -- Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay -- signed an ALADI framework agreement (ACE No 54) that aims to create a free trade area. In August of that year Mexico and Uruguay initiated negotiations towards a free trade agreement. The Mexico-Uruguay free trade agreement was signed during the XIII Iberoamerican Summit on 15 November 2003 in Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia.

Mexico and Uruguay signed the Second Protocol Amending the agreement on November 27, 2019. Mexico and Uruguay signed the Third Additional Protocol to the Free Trade Agreement on November 20, 2020.

Documents relating to the negotiations
20 November 2020 Mexico and Uruguay sign Third Additional Protocol to their FTA Spanish PDF
27 November 2019 Mexico and Uruguay sign Second Amending Protocol to their FTA Spanish PDF
15 November 2003 Signing of Mexico-Uruguay Free Trade Agreement Spanish PDF
Source: Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, Uruguay; Secretaría General de la Asociación Latinoamericana de Integración (ALADI)

  Entry into Force

The Mexico-Uruguay free trade agreement was deposited with the ALADI (as ACE No 60) on 25 June 2004. The text of the agreement was published in the Mexican official gazette on 14 July 2004 and the agreement went into effect on 15 July 2004.

This agreement was incorporated into the countries legal system's by means of Joint Note No. 053/04 and No. 302/04 of 17 June 2004 (CR/di 1797).

Documents relating to the entry into force
15 July 2004 Mexico-Uruguay FTA enters into force SpanishPDF 
14 July 2004 Text of Mexico-Uruguay FTA published in Mexican Diario Oficial de la Federación SpanishPDF
25 June 2004 Mexico and Uruguay deposit agreement in ALADI SpanishPDF
Sources: Secretaría General de la Asociación Latinoamericana de Integración (ALADI); Presidencia de la República de México

  Implementation of the Agreement

On 26 October 2007 Mexico enacted modifications to the free trade agreement.

The Administrative Commission of the agreement had four meetings. The fourth meeting took place in May 2012, in Montevideo, Uruguay. The Sixth meeting took place on November 21, 2017. The Seventh meeting was held in Mexico as part of the commemoration of the 15th anniversary of the Mexico-Uruguay FTA.

Documents relating to the implementation of the agreement
17 September 2020 Eighth meeting of the Mexico-Uruguay Free Trade Commission Spanish PDF New!
02-03 September 2019 Seventh meeting of the Mexico-Uruguay Free Trade Administrative Commission Spanish PDF
21 November 2017 Sixth meeting of the Mexico-Uruguay Free Trade Administrative Commission Spanish PDF
07 September 2016 Fifth meeting of the Administrative Commission Spanish PDF
May 2012 Fourth meeting of the Administrative Commission Spanish PDF
26 October 2007 Mexico enacts modifications to the Mexico-Uruguay FTA Spanish Word 
Sources: Secretaría de Economía de la República de México; Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, Uruguay


Decisions of the Free Trade Agreement Administrative Committee
08 May 2008 Decision Nº 3 esp pdf
03 August 2007 Decision Nº 2 esp pdf
03 May 2006 Decision Nº 1 esp pdf
Source: Secretaría de Economía de México
  Related Articles and Studies
July 2004 Secretaría de Economía de México. Tratado de Libre Comercio México-Uruguay Nuevas oportunidades en un esquema de integración profunda Spanish PDF
2003 Secretaría de Economía de México. Evolución del comercio entre México y Uruguay Spanish PDF


Spanish version
Recent Developments

20 November 2020. Mexico and Uruguay sign Third Additional Protocol to their FTA New!
