Text of the Agreement
  Background and Negotiations
    MERCOSUR and Peru undertook negotiations towards a free trade agreement within the Framework Agreement Between the Andean Community and MERCOSUR. Negotiations between MERCOSUR and Peru concluded on 25 August 2005 with the signing of Economic Complementation Agreement No 58.
Documents relating to the negotiations between MERCOSUR and Peru
24 August 2003 VII MERCOSUR-Peru negotiations SpanishWord
30 April 2003 III MERCOSUR-Peru negotiations SpanishWord
Source:  MERCOSUR Secretariat

  Entry Into Force

The legal documents allowing the agreement to enter into force in each of the countries are as follows:

- Argentina: Nota Nº EMSUR - CR Nº 125/05 de 14/12/2005 (CR/di 2156).
- Brasil: Nota Nº 02 de 02/01/2006 - Decreto Nº 5651 de 29/12/2005 (CR/di 2172).
- Paraguay: Nota RP/ALADI - MERCOSUR/4/N° 012/06 de 15/02/06- Decreto 7.110 de 06/02/2006 (CR/di 2205)
- Perú: Nota Nº 7-5-ZR/36 de 20/12/2005 - Decreto Supremo Nº 035-2005-MINCETUR de 12/12/2005 (CR/di 2160).
- Uruguay: Nota Nº 1095/05 de 16/12/2005 - Decreto 663/85 de 27/11/1985 (CR/di 2158).

  Related Articles and Studies
April 2005 Andean Community Secretariat.  Acuerdo MERCOSUR-Bolivia: análisis de los resultados comerciales y del tratamiento preferencial abril de 2005 SpanishPDF
April 2005 Andean Community Secretariat. Evolución del comercio recíproco entre los países suscriptores del ACE N° 36 (Bolivia – MERCOSUR)SpanishPDF


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