UKRAINE, hereinafter referred to as the "Contracting Parties",
Recognizing that the promotion and the protection of investments of investors
of one Contracting Party in the territory of the other Contracting Party will be
conducive to the stimulation of business initiative and to the development of economic
cooperation between them,
Have agreed as follows:
For the purpose of this Agreement:
(a) "enterprise" means
(i) any entity constituted or organized under applicable law, whether or not for profit, whether privately-owned or govemmentallyowned,
including any corporation, trust, partnership, sole proprietorship, joint venture or other association; and
(ii) a branch of any such entity;
(b) "existing measure" means a measure existing at the time this Agreement
enters into force;
(c) "financial service" means a service of a financial nature, including
insurance, and a service incidental or auxiliary to a service of a
financial nature;
(d) "financial institution" means any financial intermediary or other
enterprise that is authorized to do business and regulated or supervised
as a financial institution under the law of the Contracting Party in
whose territory it is located;
(e) "intellectual property rights" means copyright and related rights,
trademark rights, patent rights, rights in layout designs of
semiconductor integrated circuits, trade secret rights, plant breedersI
rights, rights in geographical indications and industrial design rights;
(f) "investment" means any kind of asset owned or controlled either
directly, or indirectly through an investor of a third State, by an
investor of one Contracting Party in the territory of the other
Contracting Party in accordance with the latter's laws and, in particular, though not exclusively, includes:
(i) movable and immovable property and any related property rights, such as mortgages, liens or pledges;
(ii) shares, stock, bonds and debentures or any other form of participation in a company, business enterprise or joint venture;
(iii) money, claims to money, and claims to performance under contract having a financial value;
(iv) goodwill;
(v) intellectual property rights;
(vi) rights, conferred by law or under contract, to undertake any economic and commercial activity, including any rights to search
for, cultivate, extract or exploit natural resources.
but does not mean real estate or other property, tangible or intangible, not acquired in the expectation or used for the purpose of economic benefit or
other business purposes.
Any change in the form of an investment does not affect its character as an investment.
(g) "investor" means
in the case of Canada:
(i) any natural person possessing the citizenship of or permanently
residing in Canada in accordance with its laws; or
(ii) any enterprise incorporated or duly constituted in accordance
with applicable laws of Canada,
who makes the investment in the territory of Ukraine; and
in the case of Ukraine:
(i) any natural person possessing the citizenship of or permanently
residing in Ukraine in accordance with its laws; or
(ii) any enterprise incorporated or duly constituted in
accordance with applicable laws in Ukraine,
who makes the investment in the territory of Canada and who does not
possess the citizenship of Canada;
(h) "measure" includes any law, regulation, procedure, requirement, or
(i) "returns" means all amounts yielded by an investment and in particular,
though not exclusively, includes profits, interest, capital gains,
dividends, royalties, fees or other current income;
(j) "state enterprise" means an enterprise that is governmentally-owned or
controlled through ownership interests by a government;
(k) "territory" means:
(i) in respect of Canada, the territory of Canada, as well as those
maritime areas, including the seabed and subsoil adjacent to the
outer limit of the territorial sea, over which Canada exercises, in
accordance with international law, sovereign rights for the
purpose of exploration and exploitation of the natural resources
of such areas;
(ii) in respect of Ukraine, the territory of Ukraine, as well as those
maritime areas, including the seabed and subsoil adjacent to the
outer limit of the territorial sea, over which Ukraine exercises,
in accordance with international law, sovereign rights for the
purpose of exploration and exploitation of the natural resources
of such areas.
Establishment, Acquisition and Protection of Investment
(1) Each Contracting Party shall encourage the creation of favourable conditions
for investors of the other Contracting Party to make investments in its territory.
(2) Each Contracting Party shall accord investments or returns of investors of the
other Contracting Party
(a) fair and equitable treatment in accordance with principles of
international law, and
(b) full protection and security.
(3) Each Contracting Party shall permit establishment of a new business enterprise
or acquisition of an existing business enterprise or a share of such enterprise by
investors or prospective investors of the other Contracting Party on a basis no less
favourable than that which, in like circumstances, it permits such acquisition or
establishment by:
(a) its own investors or prospective investors; or
(b) investors or prospective investors of any third state.
(4) (a) Decisions by either Contracting Party, pursuant to measures not
inconsistent with this Agreement, as to whether or not to permit an acquisition shall not be subject to the provisions of Articles xm or XV of this Agreement.
(b) Decisions by either Contracting Party not to permit establishment of a
new business enterprise or acquisition of an existing business enterprise
or a share of such enterprise by investors or prospective investors shall
not be subject to the provisions of Article xm of this Agreement.
Most~Favoured-Nation(MFN) Treatment after Establishment and Exceptions to MFN
(1) Each Contracting Party shall grant to investments, or returns of investors of the
other Contracting Party, treatment no less favourable than that which, in like
circumstances, it grants to investments or returns of investors of any third State.
(2) Each Contracting Party shall grant investors of the other Contracting Party, as
regards their management, use, enjoyment or disposal of their investments or returns,
treatment no less favourable than that which, in like circumstances, it grants to
investors of any third State.
(3) Subparagraph (3)(b) of Article II and paragraphs (1) and (2) of this Article do
not apply to treatment by a Contracting Party pursuant to any existing or future
bilateral or multilateral agreement:
(a) establishing, strengthening or expanding a free trade area or customs
(b) negotiated within the framework of the GAIT or its successor
organization and liberalizing trade in services; or
(c) relating to:
(i) aviation;
(ii) telecommunications transport networks and telecommunications
transport services;
(iii) fisheries;
(iv) maritime matters, including salvage; or
(v) financial services.
National Treatment after Establishment and Exceptions to National Treatment
(1) Each Contracting Party shall grant to investments or returns of investors of the
other Contracting Party treatment no less favourable than that which, in like
circumstances, it grants to investments or returns of its own investors with respect to
the expansion, management, conduct, operation and sale or disposition of investments.
(2) Subparagraph (3)(a) of Article II, paragraph (1) of this Article, and paragraphs
(1) and (2) of Article V do not apply to:
(a) (i) any existing non-conforrning measures maintained within
the territory of a Contracting Party;and
(ii) any measure maintained or adopted after the date of entry into
force of this Agreement that, at the time of sale or other
disposition of a government's equity interests in, or the assets of,
an existing state enterprise or an existing governmental entity,
prohibits or imposes limitations on the ownership of equity
interests or assets or imposes nationality requirements relating to
senior management or members of the board of directors;
(b) the continuation or prompt renewal of any non-eonforrning measure
referred to in subparagraph (a);
(c) an amendment to any non-ronforming measure referred to in
subparagraph (a), to the extent that the amendment does not decrease
the conformity of the measure, as it existed immediately before the
amendment, with those obligations;
(d) the right of each Contracting Party to make or maintain exceptions
within the sectors or matters listed in the Annex to this Agreement.
Other Measures
(1) (a) A Contracting Party may not require that an enterprise of that
Contracting Party, that is an investment under this Agreement, appoint
to senior management positions individuals of any particular nationality.
(b) A Contracting Party may require that a majority of the board of
directors, or any committee thereof, of an enterprise that is an
investment under this Agreement be of a particular nationality, or
resident in the territory of the Contracting Party, provided that the
requirement does not materially impair the ability of the investor to
exercise control over its investment.
(2) Neither Contracting Party may impose any of the following requirements in
connection with permitting the establishment or acquisition of an investment or enforce
any of the following requirements in connection with the subsequent regulation of that
(a) to export a given level or percentage of goods;
(b) to achieve a given level or percentage of domestic content;
(c) to purchase, use or accord a preference to goods produced or services
provided in its territory, or to purchase goods or services from persons
in its territory;
(d) to relate in any way the volume or value of imports to the volume or
value of exports or to the amount of foreign exchange inflows
associated with such investment; or
(e) to transfer technology, a production process or other proprietary
knowledge to a person in its territory unaffiliated with the transferor,
except when the requirement is imposed or the commitment or
undertaking is enforced by a court, administrative tribunal or
competition authority, either to remedy an alleged violation of
competition laws or acting in a manner not inconsistent with other
provisions of this Agreement.
(3) Subject to its laws, regulations and policies relating to the entry of aliens, each
Contracting Party shall grant temporary entry to citizens of the other Contracting Party
employed by an enterprise who seeks to render services to that enterprise or a
subsidiary or affiliate thereof, in a capacity that is managerial or executive.
Miscellaneous Exceptions
(1) (a) In respect of intellectual property rights, a Contracting Party may
derogate from Articles ill and IV in a manner that is consistent with the
Final Act Embodying the Results of the Uruguay Round of Multilateral
Trade Negotiations done at Marrakesh April IS, 1994.
(b) The provisions of Article vm do not apply to the issuance of
compulsory licenses granted in relation to intellectual property rights, or
to the revocation, limitation or creation of intellectual property rights, to
the extent that such issuance, revocation, limitation or creation is
consistent with the Final Act Embodying the Results of the Uruguay
Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations done at Marrakesh April 15,
(2) The provisions of Articles II, ill, IV and V of this Agreement do not apply to:
(a) procurement by a government or state enterprise;
(b) subsidies or grants provided by a government or a state enterprise,
including government-supported loans, guarantees and insurance;
(c) any measure denying investors of the other Contracting Party and their
investments any rights or preferences provided to the aboriginal peoples
of Canada; or
(d) any current or future foreign aid program to promote economic
development, whether under a bilateral agreement, or pursuant to a
multilateral arrangement or agreement, such as the OECO Agreement
on Export Credits.
(3) Investments in cultural industries in Canada are exempt from the provisions of
this Agreement. "Cultural industries" means natural persons or enterprises engaged in
any of the following activities:
(a) the publication, distribution, or sale of books, magazines,
periodicals or newspapers in print or machine readable form but
not including the sole activity of printing or typesetting any of
the foregoing;
(b) the production, distribution, sale or exhibition of film or video
(c) the production, distribution, sale or exhibition of audio or video
music recordings;
(d) the publication, distribution, sale or exhibition of music in print
or machine readable form; or
(e) radiocommunications in which the transmissions are intended for
direct reception by the general public, and all radio, television or
cable broadcasting undertakings and all Sl'.tellite programming
and broadcast network services.
Compensation for Losses
Investors of one Contracting Party who suffer losses because their investments
or returns on the territory of the other Contracting Party are affected by an armed
conflict, a national emergency or a natural disaster on that territory, shall be accorded
by such latter Contracting Party, in respect of restitution, indemnification,
compensation or other settlement, treatment no less favourable than that which it
accords to its own investors or to investors of any third State.
(1) Investments or returns of investors of either Contracting Party shall not be
nationalized, expropriated or subjected to measures having an effect equivalent to
nationalization or expropriation (hereinafter referred to as wexpropriationW) in the
territory of the other Contracting Party, except for a public purpose, under due
process of law, in a non-discriminatory manner and against prompt, adequate and
effective compensation. Such compensation shall be based on the genuine value of the
investment or returns expropriated immediately before the expropriation or at the time
the proposed expropriation became public knowledge, whichever is the earlier, shall
be payable from the date of expropriation with interest at a normal commercial rate,
shall be paid without delay and shall be effectively realizable and freely transferable.
(2) The investor affected shall have a right, under the law of the Contracting Party
making the expropriation, to prompt review, by a judicial or other independent
authority of that Party, of its case and of the valuation of its investment or returns in
accordance with the principles set out in this Article.
Transfer of Funds
(1) Each Contracting Party shall guarantee to an investor of the other Contracting
Party the unrestricted transfer of investments and returns. Without limiting the
generality of the foregoing, each Contracting Party shall also guarantee to the investor
the unrestricted transfer of:
(a) funds in repayment of loans related to an investment;
(b) the proceeds of the total or partial liquidation of any investment;
(c) wages and other remuneration accruing to a citizen of the other
Contracting Party who was permitted to work in connection with an
investment in the territory of the other Contracting Party;
(d) any compensation owed to an investor by virtue of Articles vn or vm
of the Agreement.
(2) Transfers shall be effected without delay in the convertible currency in which
the capital was originally invested or in any other convertible currency agreed by the
investor and the Contracting Party concerned. Unless otherwise agreed by the
investor, transfers shall be made at the rate of exchange applicable on the date of
(3) Notwithstanding paragraphs I and 2, a Contracting Party may prevent a
transfer through the equitable, non-discriminatory and good faith application of its
laws relating to:
(a) bankruptcy, insolvency or the protection of the rights of creditors;
(b) issuing, trading or dealing in securities;
(c) criminal or penal offenses;
(d) reports of transfers of currency or other monetary instruments; or
(e) ensuring the satisfaction of judgments in adjudicatory proceedings.
(4) Neither Contracting party may require its investors to transfer, or penalize its
investors that fail to transfer, the returns attributable to investments in the territory of
the other Contracting Party.
(5) Paragraph 4 shall not be construed to prevent a Contracting Party from
imposing any measure through the equitable, non-discriminatory and good faith
application of its laws relating to the matters set out in subparagraphs (a) through (e)
of paragraph 3.
(1) If a Contracting Party or any agency thereof makes a payment to any of its
investors under a guarantee or a contract of insurance it has entered into in respect of
an investment, the other Contracting Party shall recognize the validity of the
subrogation in favour of such Contracting Party or agency thereof to any right or title
held by the investor.
(2) A Contracting Party or any agency thereof which is subrogated to the rights of
an investor in accordance with paragraph (1) of this Article, shall be entitled in all
circumstances to the same rights as those of the investor in respect of the investment
concerned and its related returns. Such rights may be exercised by the Contracting
Party or any agency thereof or by the investor if the Contracting Party or any agency
thereof so authorizes.
Investment in Financial Services
(1) Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to prevent a Contracting Party
from adopting or maintaining reasonable measures for prudential reasons, such
(a) the protection of investors, depositors, financial market participants,
policy-holders, policy-daimants, or persons to whom a fiduciary duty is
owed by a financial institution;
(b) the maintenance of the safety, soundness, integrity or financial
responsibility of financial institutions; and
(c) ensuring the integrity and stability of a Contracting Party's fmancial
(2) Notwithstanding paragraphs (1), (2) and (4) of Article IX, and without limiting
the applicability of paragraph (3) of Article IX, a Contracting Party may prevent or
limit tr:.nsfers by a financial institution to, or for the benefit of, an affiliate of or
person related to such institution or provider, through the equitable, nondiscriminatory
and good faith application of measures relating to maintenance of the
safety, soundness, integrity or financial responsibility of financial institutions.
(3) (a) Where an investor submits a claim to arbitration under Article XIII, and the disputing Contracting Party invokes paragraphs (1) or (2) above, the
tribunal established pursuant to Article XIII shall, at the request of that
Contracting Party, seek a report in writing from the Contracting Parties
on the issue of whether and to what extent the said paragraphs are a
valid defence to the claim of the investor. The tribunal may not
proceed pending receipt of a report under this Article.
(b) Pursuant to a request received in accordance with subparagraph 3(a),
the Contracting Parties shall proceed in accordance with Article XV, to
prepare a written report, either on the basis of agreement following
consultations, or by means of an arbitral panel. The consultations shall
be between the financial services authorities of the Contracting Parties.
The report shall be transmitted to the tribunal, and shall be binding on
the tribunal.
(c) Where, within 70 days of the referral by the tribunal, no request for the
establishment of a panel pursuant to subparagraph 3(b) has been made
and no report has been received by the tribunal, the tribunal may
proceed to decide the matter.
(4) Panels for disputes on prudential issues and other financial matters shall have
the necessary expertise relevant to the specific financial service in dispute.
(5) Sub-paragraph 3(b) of Article II does not apply in respect of financial services.
Taxation Measures
(1) Except as set out in this Article, nothing in this Agreement shall apply to
taxation measures.
(2) Nothing in this Agreement shall affect the rights and obligations of the
Contracting Parties under any tax agreement. In the event of any inconsistency
between the provisions of this Agreement and any such agreement, the
provisions of that agreement apply to the extent of the inconsistency.
(3) Subject to paragraph (2), a claim by an investor that a tax measure of a
Contracting Party is in breach of an agreement between the central government
authorities of a Contracting Party and the investor concerning an investment
shall be considered a claim for breach of this Agreement unless the taxation
authorities of the Contracting Parties, no later than six months after being
notified of the claim by the investor, jointly determine that the measure does
not contravene such agreement.
(4) Article VIII may be applied to a taxation measure unless the taxation
authorities of the Contracting Parties, no later than six months after being
nl':tified by an investor that he disputes a taxation measure, jointly determine
that the measure is not an expropriation.
(5) If the taxation authorities of the Contracting Parties fail to reach the joint
determinations specified in paragraphs (3) and (4) within six months after being
notified, the investor may submit its claim for resolution under Article XIII.
Settlement of Disputes between an Investor and the Host Contracting Party
(1) Any dispute between one Contracting Party and an investor of the other
Contracting Party, relating to a claim by the investor that a measure taken or not taken
by the former Contracting Party is in breach of this Agreement, and that the investor
has incurred loss or damage by reason of, or arising out of, that breach, shall, to the
extent possible, be settled amicably between them.
(2) If a dispute has not been settled amicably within a period of six months from
the date on which it was initiated, it may be submitted by the investor to arbitration in
accordance with paragraph (4). For the purposes of this paragraph, a dispute is
considered to be initiated when the investor of one Contracting Party has delivered
notice in writing to the other Contracting Party alleging that a measure taken or not
taken by the latter Contracting Party is in breach of this Agreement, and that the
investor has incurred loss or damage by reason of, or arising out of, that breach.
(3) An investor may submit a dispute as referred to in paragraph (1) to arbitration
in accordance with paragraph (4) only if:
(a) the investor has consented in writing thereto;
(b) the investor has waived its right to initiate or continue any other
proceedings in relation to the measure that is alleged to be in breach of
this Agreement before the courts or tribunals of the Contracting Party
concerned or in a dispute settlement procedure of any kind;
(c) in any matter involving taxation, the conditions specified in paragraph 5
of Article xn have been fulfilled; and
(d) not more than three years have elapsed from the date on which the
investor first acquired, or should have first acquired, knowledge of the
alleged breach and knowledge that the investor has incurred loss or
(4) The dispute may, at the election of the investor concerned, be submitted to
arbitration under:
(a) The International Centre for the Settlement of Investment Disputes
(lCSID), established pursuant to the Convention on the Settlement of
Investment Disputes between States and Nationals of other States,
opened for signature at Washington 18 March, 1965 (lCSID
Convention), provided that both the disputing Contracting Party and the
Contracting Party of the investor are parties to the ICSID Convention;
(b) the Additional Facility Rules of ICSID, provided that either the
disputing Contracting Party or the Contracting Party of the investor, but
not both, is a party to the ICSID Convention; or
(c) an international arbitrator or ad hoc arbitration tribunal established
under the Arbitration Rules of the United Nations Commission on
International Trade Law (UNCITRAL).
(5) Each Contracting Party hereby gives its unconditional consent to the submission
of a dispute to international arbitration in accordance with the provisions of this
(6) (a) The consent given under paragraph (5), together with either the consent given under paragraph (3), or the consents given under paragraph (12), shall satisfy the requirements for:
(i) written consent of the parties to a dispute for
purposes of Chapter 11 (Jurisdiction of the
Centre) of the ICSID Convention and for purposes
of the Additional Facility Rules; and
(ii) an "agreement in writing" for purposes of Article II of the
United Nations Convention for the Recognition and Enforcement
of Foreign Arbitral Awards, done at New York, June 10, 1958
("New York Convention").
(b) Any arbitration under this Article shall be held in a State that is a party
to the New York Convention, and claims submitted to arbitration shall
be considered to arise out of a commercial relationship or transaction
for the purposes of Article 1 of that Convention.
(7) A tribunal established under this Article shall decide the issues in dispute in
accordance with this Agreement and applicable rules of international law.
(8) A tribunal may order an interim measure of protection to preserve the rights of
a disputing party, or to ensure that the tribunal's jurisdiction is made fully effective,
including an order to preserve evidence in the possession or control of a disputing
party or to protect the tribunal's jurisdiction. A tribunal may not order attachment or
enjoin the application of the measure alleged to constitute a breach of this Agreement.
For purposes of this paragraph, an order includes a recommendation.
(9) A tribunal may award, separately or in combination, only:
(a) monetary damages and any applicable interest;
(b) restitution of property, in which case the award shall provide that the
disputing Contracting Party may pay monetary damages and any
applicable interest in lieu of restitution.
A tribunal may also award costs in accordance with the applicable arbitration rules.
(10) An award of arbitration shall be final and binding and shall be enforceable in
the territory of each of the Contracting Parties.
(11) Any proceedings under this Article are without prejudice to the rights of the
Contracting Parties under Articles XIV and XV.
(12) (a) A claim that a Contracting Party is in breach of this Agreement, and
that an enterprise that is a juridical person incorporated or duly
constituted in accordance with applicable laws of that Contracting Party
has incurred loss or damage by reason of, or arising out of, that breach,
may be brought by an investor of the other Contracting Party acting on
behalf of an enterprise which the investor owns or controls directly or
indirectly. In such a case
i) any award shall be made to the affected enterprise;
ii) the consent to arbitration of both the investor and the enterprise
shall be required;
iii) both the investor and enterprise must waive any right to initiate
or continue any other proceedings in relation to the measure that
is alleged to be in breach of this Agreement before the courts or
tribunals of the Contracting Party concerned or in a dispute
settlement procedure of any kind; and
iv) the investor may not make a claim if more than three years have
elapsed from the date on which the enterprise first acquired, or
should have first acquired, knowledge of the alleged breach and
knowledge that it has incurred loss or damage.
(b) Notwithstanding subparagraph 12(a), where a disputing Contracting Party
has deprived a disputing investor of control of an enterprise, the following shall
not be required:
i) a consent to arbitration by the enterprise under 12(a)ii); and
ii) a waiver from the enterprise under 12(a)iii).
Consultations and Exchange of Information
Either Contracting Party may request consultations on the interpretation or
application of this Agreement. The other Contracting Party shall give sympathetic
consideration to the request. Upon request by either Contracting Party, information
shall be exchanged on the measures of the other Contracting Party that may have an
impact on new investments, investments or returns covered by this Agreement.
Disputes between the Contracting Parties
(1) Any dispute between the Contracting Parties concerning the interpretation or
application of this Agreement shall, whenever possible, be settled amicably through
(2) If a dispute cannot be settled through consultations, it shall, at the request of
either Contracting Party, be submitted to an arbitral panel for decision.
(3) An arbitral panel shall be constituted for each dispute. Within two months
after receipt through diplomatic channels of the request for arbitration, each
Contracting Party shall appoint one member to the arbitral panel. The two members
shall then select a national of a third State who, upon approval by the two Contracting
Parties, shall be appointed Chairman of the arbitral panel. The Chairman shall be
appointed within two months from the date of appointment of the other two members
of the arbitral ?'IDel.
(4) If within the periods specified in paragraph (3) of this Article the necessary
appointments have not been made, either Contracting Party may, in the absence of any
other agreement, invite the President of the International Court of Justice to make the
necessary appointments. If the President is a national of either Contracting Party or is
otherwise prevented from discharging the said function, the Vice-President shall be
invited to make the necessary appointments. If the Vice-President is a national of
either Contracting Party or is prevented from discharging the said function, the
Member of the International Court of Justice next in seniority, who is not a national of
either Contracting Party, shall be invited to make the necessary appointments.
(5) The arbitral panel shall determine its own procedure. The arbitral panel shall
reach its decision by a majority of votes. Such decision shall be binding on both
Contracting Parties. Unless otherwise agreed, the decision of the arbitral panel shall
be rendered within six months of the appointment of the Chairman in accordance with
paragraphs (3) or (4) of this Article.
(6) Each Contracting Party shall bear the costs of its own member of the panel and
of its representation in the arbitral proceedings; the costs related to the Chairman and
any remaining costs shall be borne equally by the Contracting Parties. The arbitral
panel may, however, in its decision direct that a higher proportion of costs shall be
borne by one of the two Contracting Parties, and this award shall be binding on both
Contracting Parties.
(7) The Contracting Parties shall, within 60 days of the decision of a panel, reach
agreement on the manner in which to resolve their dispute. Such agreement shall
normally implement the decision of the panel. If the Contracting Parties fail to reach
agreement, the Contracting Party bringing the dispute shall be entitled to compensation
or to suspend benefits of equivalent value to those awarded by the panel.
(1) The Contracting Parties shall, within a two year period after the entry into
force of this Agreement, exchange letters listing, to the extent possible, any existing
measures that do not conform to the obligations in subparagraph (3)(a) of Article II,
Article IV or paragraphs (1) and (2) of Article V.
(2) Each Contracting Party shall, to the extent practicable, ensure that its laws,
regulations, procedures, and administrative rulings of general application respecting
any matter covered by this Agreement are promptly published or otherwise made
available in such a manner as to enable interested persons and the other Contracting
Party to become acquainted with them.
Application and General Exceptions
(1) This Agreement shall apply to any investment made by an investor of one
Contracting Party in the territory of the other Contracting Party before or after the
entry into force of this Agreement.
(2) Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to prevent a Contracting Party
from adopting, maintaining or enforcing any measure otherwise consistent with this
Agreement that it considers appropriate to ensure that investment activity in its
territory is undertaken in a manner sensitive to environmental concerns.
(3) Provided that such measures are not applied in an arbitrary or unjustifiable
manner, or do not constitute a disguised restriction on international trade or
investment, nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to prevent a Contracting
Party from adopting or maintaining measures, including environmental measures:
(a) necessary to ensure compliance with laws and regulations that are not
inconsistent with the provisions of this Agreement;
(b) necessary to protect human, animal or plant life or health; or
(e) relating to the conservation of living or non-living exhaustible natural
Entry into Force and Termination of the Agreement
(1) Each Contracting Party shall notify the other in writing of the completion of
the procedures required in its territory for the entry into force of this Agreement.
This Agreement shall enter into force on the date of the latter of the two notifications.
(2) This Agreement shall remain in force unless either Contracting Party notifies
the other Contracting Party in writing of its intention to terminate it. The termination
of this Agreement shall become effective one year after notice of termination has been
received by the other Contracting Party. In respect of investments or commitments to
invest made prior to the date when the termination of this Agreement becomes
effective, the provisions of Articles I to xvn inclusive of this Agreement shall remain
in force for a period of ten years.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned, being duly authorized by their
respective Governments, have signed this Agreement.
DONE in duplicate at Ottawa, this 24th day of October, 1994, in the English,
French, and Ukrainian languages, all three texts being equally authentic.
(1) In accordance with Article IV, subparagraph 2(d), Canada reserves the right to
make and maintain exceptions in the sectors or matters listed below:
- social services (i.e. public law enforcement; correctional services; income security
or insurance; social security or insurance; social welfare; public education; public
training; health and child care);
- services in any other sector;
- government securities - as described in SIC 8152;
- residency requirements for ownership of oceanfront land;
- measures implementing the Northwest Territories and the Yukon Oil and Gas
(2) In accordance with Article IV, subparagraph 2(d), Ukraine reserves the right to
make and maintain exceptions in the sectors or matters listed below:
- enterprises that build nuclear facilities;
- maritime transport, including coastal navigation;
- air transport;
- electrical energy from nuclear power;
- privatization of entities of education, sports, medicine and science, which are
financed from the state budget;
- enterprises for salt extraction;
- enterprises for the extraction and processing of rare earths, and other radioactive
- ownership and management of television and radio stations; and
- the ownership of land during the transition period to a market economy.
(3) For the purpose of this Annex, "SIC" means, with respect to Canada, Standard
Industrial Classification numbers as set out in Statistics Canada, Standard Industrial
Classification, fourth edition, 1980.